Kupffer cell prostaglandin‐E2 production is amplified during hepatic regeneration

Mark P. Callery, Martin J. Mangino, M. Wayne Flye – 1 August 1991 – Prostaglandin‐E2 increases in liver tissue after partial hepatectomy and stimulates DNA synthesis in primary cultures of hepatocytes. This study evaluated the capacity of Kupffer cells isolated at various intervals after partial hepatectomy to produce prostaglandin E2 in response to bacterial endotoxin. This stimulator of Kupffer cells is a normal endogenous component of portal venous blood.

Minor contribution of hepatocytes to collagen production in normal and early fibrotic rat livers

Itsuro Ogata, Satoshi Mochida, Tomoaki Tomiya, Kenji Fujiwara – 1 August 1991 – Hepatocyte contribution to hepatic collagen production in vivo was estimated in rats, based on the fact that ornithine is used for protein synthesis in the liver as arginine after conversion by way of the urea cycle only by hepatocytes. From rats given a mixture of [14C] ornithine and [3H]arginine, hepatic collagen and serum albumin were obtained. The hepatocyte contribution was calculated from the 14C and 3H in arginine purified from collagen and albumin by high performance liquid chromatography.

Biliary excretion of bile acid conjugates in a hyperbilirubinemic mutant sprague‐dawley rat

Hajime Takikawa, Naoyo Sano, Tohru Narita, Yoshinobu Uchida, Masami Yamanaka, Tohru Horie, Takashi Mikami, Osamu Tagaya – 1 August 1991 – The hepatic transport of bile acid conjugates was studied in the Eisai hyperbilirubinuria rat, a Sprague‐Dawley mutant rat with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Serum bile acid levels were increased, bile acid‐independent bile flow was decreased and biliary glutathione concentrations were markedly decreased in the Eisai hyperbilirubinuria rat.

Facilitated diffusion and sodium‐dependent transport of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides in rat liver

Axel Holstege, Heide‐Maria Gengenbacher, Linda Jehle, Johannes Hoppmann – 1 August 1991 – In mammalian cells, nucleoside transport usually is mediated by facilitated diffusion. In addition, a Na+‐dependent, concentrative nucleoside transport system has been detected in several tissues but not the liver.

Rates of vertebral bone loss before and after liver transplantation in women with primary biliary cirrhosis

Richard Eastell, E. Rolland Dickson, Stephen F. Hodgson, Russell H. Wiesner, Michael K. Porayko, Heinz W. Wahner, Sandra L. Cedel, B. Lawrence Riggs, Ruud A. F. Krom – 1 August 1991 – Atraumatic fractures caused by osteoporosis may be a serious complication of primary biliary cirrhosis. Mean (± S.D.) bone mineral density in the lumbar spine in 210 ambulatory women with primary biliary cirrhosis was 1.02 ± 0.19 gm/cm2, 7% lower than that in 139 age‐matched normal women (after adjustment for age and body weight) (p < 0.001).

Hepatocellular expression of lymphocyte function—associated antigen 3 in chronic hepatitis

Frank Autschbach, Stefan C. Meuer, Ulrich Moebius, Michael Manns, Georg Hess, Karl‐Hermann Meyer Zum Büschenfelde, Wolfgang Thoenes, Hans‐Peter Dienes – 1 August 1991 – T lymphocyte—mediated cytolytic immune reactions are considered a major cause of hepatocyte injury in chronic viral and autoimmune hepatitis.

Association of a precore genomic variant of hepatitis B virus with fulminant hepatitis

William F. Carman, Elizabeth A. Fagan, Stephanos Hadziyannis, Peter Karayianni, Nicolaos C. Tassopoulos, Roger Williams, Howard C. Thomas – 1 August 1991 – A variant of hepatitis B virus has been described recently in HBsAg+ Mediterranean patients who lack HBeAg and who have an unusual and severe form of chronic hepatitis. This variant is unable to produce HBeAg because of the presence of a novel translational stop codon at the end of the precore region of the genome.

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