Expression of androgen receptor mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinomas and hepatoma cell lines

Hitoshi Nakagama, Toshiaki Gunji, Shin Ohnishi, Takashi Kaneko, Takashi Ishikawa, Reiko Makino, Kenshi Hayashi, Junji Shiga, Fumimaro Takaku, Michio Imawari – 1 July 1991 – The expression of androgen receptor messenger RNA in hepatocellular carcinomas and hepatoma cell lines was studied using Northern‐blot analysis and the complementary DNA—polymerase chain reaction method.

Specificities of serum α‐fetoprotein in HBsAg+ and HBsAg− patients in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

Hyosuk Lee, Young Hwa Chung, Chung Yong Kim – 1 July 1991 – Serum α‐fetoprotein level is often elevated in patients with chronic liver disease and patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the most difficult problems frequently encountered in practice is differentiating hepatocellular carcinoma from chronic liver disease.

Inhibition by colchicine of biliary secretion of diethylmaleate in the rat: Evidence for microtubule‐dependent vesicular transport

Micheline Dumont, Scorinnem D'Hont, Anne‐Marie Durand‐Schneider, Véronique Legrand‐Defretin, Gérard Feldmann, Serge Erlinger – 1 July 1991 – It has been proposed that a microtubule‐dependent transport of vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus may play a role in biliary secretion of bile salts and other cholephilic anions.

Hepatitis C viral RNA in serum of patients with chronic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis: Detection by the polymerase chain reaction using multiple primer sets

Karen Cristiano, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Jay H. Hoofnagle, Stephen M. Feinstone – 1 July 1991 – The recently introduced antibody test for hepatitis C virus infection has already proved to be valuable in many situations such as screening blood donors and diagnosing chronically infected patients, but this antibody assay has certain limitations. Hepatitis C virus itself is usually present in clinical specimens at very low titers; therefore a useful assay for the virus must have very high sensitivity.

Immunophenotyping of lymphocytes in liver tissue of patients with chronic liver diseases by flow cytometry

Xiuming Li, Lennox J. Jeffers, K. Rajender Reddy, Maria de Medina, Marcelo Silva, Steven Villanueva, Nancy G. Klimas, Violet Esquenazi, Eugene R. Schiff – 1 July 1991 – Immunological factors are important in the pathogenesis of a spectrum of hepatobiliary diseases. To characterize the nature of specific immunological responses in liver disease, we determined lymphocyte changes in liver tissue and in blood using flow cytometry.

The significance of antibody to hepatitis C virus in patients with chronic hepatitis B

Tse‐Ling Fong, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Steven M. Banks, Jay H. Hoofnagle – 1 July 1991 – We assessed the prevalence and clinical significance of antibodies to hepatitis C virus among a cohort of 148 patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Sixteen patients (11%) had anti‐hepatitis C virus detectable by enzyme‐linked immunoassay. The results from eight of these patients were positive by recombinant immunoblot assay.

HBxAg in the liver from carrier patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis

Wenliang Wang, W. Thomas London, Laura Lega, Mark A. Feitelson – 1 July 1991 – Formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded specimens from 110 cases of chronic hepatitis and 108 cases of cirrhosis were stained for HBxAg by the avidin‐biotin complex technique using specific antisera made against full‐length HBxAg polypeptide or derived synthetic peptides. These tissues were also stained for the HBsAg and HBcAg by the peroxidase—anti‐peroxidase method. Among patients with chronic hepatitis, 86% were HBsAg positive in liver cells, 60% were surface antigen positive and 32% were core antigen positive.

Clinical significance of two forms of IgM antibody to hepatitis delta virus

Rosendo Jardi, Maria Buti, Francisco Rodriguez‐Frias, Ana Garcia‐Lafuente, Maria H. Sjogren, Rafael Esteban, Jaime Guardia – 1 July 1991 – Separation of 7–8 S and 19 S forms of serum IgM antibodies to the hepatitis delta virus by rate‐zonal centrifugation was carried out on serum from 24 patients with hepatitis delta virus infection: 4 patients with acute, self‐limited hepatitis; 5 patients with hepatitis delta virus superinfection progressing to chronicity; and 15 patients with chronic hepatitis delta virus.

Permanent engraftment and function of hepatocytes delivered to the liver: Implications for gene therapy and Liver Repopulation

Sanjeev Gupta, Emma Aragona, Ravikumar P. Vemuru, Kuldeep K. Bhargava, Robert D. Burk, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury – 1 July 1991 – To examine the distribution of intrasplenically transplanted hepatocytes, we used HBsAg‐producing G7 HBV transgenic hepatocytes or cells labeled with 111In. Most hepatocytes translocated to the liver (55% ± 7%; mean ± S.D.); the spleen retained a smaller fraction (15% ± 3%); and some transplanted cells localized in lungs (3%) or pancreas (1%). Transplanted hepatocytes were rapidly assimilated into the liver lobule.

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