Fulminant hepatic failure after repeated exposure to isoflurane anesthesia: A case report

Elizabeth M. Brunt, Heather White, J. Wallis Marsh, Barbel Holtmann, Marion G. Peters – 1 June 1991 – A previously healthy but obese 26‐yr‐old woman was diagnosed as having hepatic dysfunction 17 days after the third of three consecutive exposures to isoflurane anesthesia for paranasal sinus surgery. Serum laboratory findings included elevated aminotransferases and bilirubin. Radiographical evaluations showed no evidence of extrahepatic disease. Serological studies were negative for acute viral infections, and serum copper was normal.

Ursodeoxycholic acid and taurine as therapy for cholestatic liver disease

Mary F. Chan, John R. Lake – 1 June 1991 – Relatively hydrophobic bile acids have been shown to produce some hepatotoxicity, whereas treatment with a more hydrophilic bile acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, has improved liver function indices in patients with certain chronic liver diseases. Taurine‐conjugated bile acids are more hydrophilic than glycine‐conjugated bile acids, and thus, taurine administration has also been suggested for the treatment of chronic hepatitis.

Blood and liver‐infiltrating lymphocytes in primary biliary cirrhosis: Increase in activated T and natural killer cells and recruitment of primed memory T cells

Anna Björkland, Roger Festin, Ib Mendel‐Hartvig, Anders Nyberg, Lars Lööf, Thomas H. Tötterman – 1 June 1991 – We used two‐color and three‐color flow cytometric analysis to study phenotypical activation and functional subsets of T and natural killer cells in the blood and liver tissue of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, other chronic liver diseases and the blood of healthy subjects.

Eosinophil‐induced chronic active hepatitis in the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome

Anthony Foong, John V. Scholes, Gerald J. Gleich, G. M. Kephart, Peter R. Holt – 1 June 1991 – A 19‐yr‐old man had features of chronic hepatitis with piecemeal necrosis as the sole clinical feature of the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. Liver biopsy specimens demonstrated the presence of activated eosinophils and, by immunohistochemical staining, major basic protein in areas of hepatic cell damage.

Hepatocellular carcinoma in Richardson's ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii): Evidence for association with hepatitis B–like virus infection

Bud C. Tennant, N. Mrosovsky, Kirsteen McLean, Paul J. Cote, Brent E. Korba, Ronald E. Engle, John L. Gerin, Janet Wright, Gail R. Michener, Elizabeth Uhl, John M. King – 1 June 1991 – During studies of seasonal obesity, a high frequency of hepatic neoplasms was observed in Richardson's ground squirrels. Of 12 Richardson's ground squirrels examined thoroughly, 7 had mild or moderate degrees of chronic portal hepatitis and 6 (50%) had hepatocellular carcinoma.

Systemic and splanchnic hemodynamic effects of molsidomine in rats with carbon tetrachloride–induced cirrhosis

Hervé Desmorat, Jean‐Pierre Vinel, Omar Lahlou, Bernard Pipy, Philippe Badia, Paul Cales, Jean‐Marc Combis, Marie‐Claude Souqual, Jean‐Pierre Pascal – 1 June 1991 – Molsidomine, a long‐acting vasodilator mainly used as an antianginal agent, was reported to decrease the portohepatic venous pressure gradient in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. This study investigated the effects of linsidomine, the active metabolite of molsidomine, on systemic and splanchnic hemodynamics in rats with CCI4‐induced cirrhosis using the microsphere technique.

Eosinophil cationic protein's role in human hepatic allograft rejection

Preston F. Foster, Achyut Bhattacharyya, Howard N. Sankary, James Coleman, Marilyn Ashmann, James W. Williams – 1 June 1991 – Although it is known that eosinophils consistently infiltrate rejecting human liver allografts, their function is unknown. Infiltrating eosinophils can release a cytotoxic substance, eosinophil cationic protein. Furthermore, eosinophil cationic protein may be identified in biopsy specimens using immunoperoxidase staining of an eosinophil cationic protein‐specific monoclonal antibody.

Epidermal growth factor–related transforming growth factors in the urine of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Lea‐Yea Chuang, Juei‐Hsiung Tsai, Yun‐Chi Yeh, Chun‐Chang Chang, Hsing‐Wu Yeh, Jinn‐Yuh Guh, Jung‐Fa Tsai – 1 June 1991 – To characterize epidermal growth factor–related transforming growth factors in the urine of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, gel filtration with Bio‐Gel P‐30 was performed in seven hepatocellular carcinoma patients and seven sex‐matched and age‐matched healthy controls. Distinct profiles of soft agar growth assay in the hepatocellular carcinoma patients and the normal controls were seen. Three peaks (A, B and C) in the urine were examined.

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