Asymptomatic bacterascites: Is it spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?

Gilles Pelletier, Gilles Lesur, Olivier Ink, Hervé Hagege, Pierre Attali, Catherine Buffet, Jean‐Pierre Etienne – 1 July 1991 – Asymptomatic bacterascites is defined as the presence of bacteria in ascitic fluid without clinical features of peritonitis or increased ascitic fluid polymorphonuclear cells. Asymptomatic bacterascites is a controversial entity, and little information is available regarding its spontaneous evolution.

Liver biopsy: Increased risks in patients with cancer

Harold O. Conn – 1 July 1991 – Nine thousand two hundred twelve liver biopsies were performed according to a defined protocol, and data were prospectively recorded to identify risk factors for major bleeding. There were 10 fatal and 22 nonfatal hemorrhages (0.11% and 0.24%, respectively). By comparison with a control group that did not hemorrhage, malignancy, age, sex, and the number of passes were the only predictable risk factors. The risk of fatal hemorrhage in patients with malignancy is estimated to be 0.4%; for nonfatal hemorrhage, 0.57%.

Cystic fibrosis—correct chloride conductance can cure cells

Rebecca W. van Dyke – 1 July 1991 – We have used retrovirus‐mediated gene transfer to demonstrate complementation of the cystic fibrosis (CF) defect in vitro. Amphotropic retroviruses were used to transduce a functional cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) cDNA into CFPAC‐1, a pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line derived from a patient with CF that stably expresses the chloride transport abnormalities characteristic of CF.

Differences in the lectin‐binding patterns of the periportal and perivenous endothelial domains in the liver sinusoids

Emilio Barberá‐Guillem, Marian Rocha, Antonia Alvarez, Fernando Vidal‐Vanaclocha – 1 July 1991 – We have studied the distribution patterns of carbohydrate terminals on the endothelial surface of the mouse liver microvasculature. For this purpose, a wide battery of FITC lectins specific to glucose, mannose, galactose, fucose, N‐acetyl‐neuraminic acid, N‐acetylgalactosamine and N‐acetyl‐glucosamine residues were incubated on liver cryostat sections or intraportally perfused under physiological conditions.

Replacement of cholesterol gallstones by murideoxycholyl taurine gallstones in prairie dogs fed murideoxycholic acid

Bertram I. Cohen, Nariman Ayyad, Erwin H. Mosbach, Charles K. McSherry, Naoyuki Matoba, Alan F. Hofmann, Huong‐Thu Ton‐Nu, Ying Peng, Claudio D. Schteingart, Richard J. Stenger – 1 July 1991 – The effect of two hydrophilic bile acids, murideoxycholic acid (3α,6β‐dihydroxy‐5β‐cholanoic acid) and ursodeoxycholic acid, on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism and hepatic pathology and gallstone composition was studied in the prairie dog. Cholesterol gallstones were induced by feeding a diet containing 1.2% cholesterol for 75 days.

Effects of interferon on intrahepatic human leukocyte antigens and lymphocyte subsets in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C

Takuro Hayata, Yoshiyuki Nakano, Kaname Yoshizawa, Takeshi Sodeyama, Kendo Kiyosawa – 1 June 1991 – We investigated the effects of interferon therapy on hepatocyte human leukocyte antigen class I and class II antigen expression and intrahepatic lymphocyte subsets in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B (n = 11) and C (n = 10). Interferon‐α was administered intramuscularly in doses ranging from 3 to 18 million international units daily for 4 wk.

Liver transplantation restores female reproductive endocrine function

Kimberly A. Brown, Michael R. Lucey – 1 June 1991 – The effect of successful liver transplantation on menstrual function was assessed by questionnaire in 44 women transplanted for various types of end stage liver disease, acute liver failure or malignant disease. Significant amenorrhoea (>one year) was present in 48% of women with chronic liver disease before transplantation, and was reversed within 10 months of surgery in all but one of the pre‐menopausal patients who had primary amenorrhoea and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism.

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