Creatine kinase‐BB: A marker of liver sinusoidal damage in ischemia‐reperfusion

Michel Vaubourdolle, Olivier Chazouilleres, Raoul Poupon, François Ballet, Jacqueline Braundwald, Claire Legendre, Bruno Baudin, André Kirn, Jacqueline Giboudeau – 1 March 1993 – Cell damage within the sinusoidal lining of human liver grafts during transplantation is an early event that is critical in ischemia‐reperfusion injury and probably plays a key role in primary liver dysfunction after transplantation. No simple biochemical marker for sinusoidal injury is currently available.

A rapid method to study heterogeneous gene expression in liver by direct assay of messenger RNA from periportal and perivenous cell lysates

Juhani Saarinen, Ritva Saarelainen, Kai O. Lindros – 1 March 1993 – To study zonation of liver gene expression, we obtained periportal or perivenous rat liver cell lysates virtually devoid of nuclear material by site‐directed digitonin infusion in situ. Total RNA was isolated, messenger RNAs were reverse transcribed and complementary DNAs were assayed after polymerase chain reaction–mediated amplification.

Interferon‐α and zidovudine combination therapy for chronic hepatitis B: Results of a randomized, placebo‐controlled trial

Harry L. A. Janssen, Luuk Berk, Rudolf A. Heijtink, Fiebo J. W. Ten Kate, Solko W. Schalm – 1 March 1993 – Interferon‐α therapy leads to HBeAg seroconversion in only one third of patients with chronic hepatitis B. In an attempt to increase the seroconversion rate, we investigated the combination of interferon‐α and zidovudine in a subset of patients with presumably low response rates for interferon‐α monotherapy.

A scanning electron microscopic study of liver microcirculation disarrangement in experimental rat cirrhosis

Eugenio Gaudio, Luigi Pannarale, Paolo Onori, Oliviero Riggio – 1 March 1993 – Hepatic microcirculation has been related to liver function in several studies. The principle of this relationship lies in the sequential distribution of blood from the feeding vessels of the hepatic acinus to the central vein. This study was undertaken to investigate the progressive changes at different sites of the liver microvascular bed in the developing cirrhosis, both by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts.

Mitochondrial dysfunction in alcoholic patients as assessed by breath analysis

Bernhard H. Lauterburg, Dana Liang, Felix A. Schwarzenbach, Kerry J. Breen – 1 March 1993 – Mitochondria of patients with alcoholic liver disease are morphologically abnormal, and mitochondria isolated from animals exposed to ethanol exhibit functional deficiencies in vitro. Because the functional consequences of the morphological alterations and the relevance of in vitro observations to mitochondrial function in alcoholic subjects are not clear, we assessed mitochondrial function noninvasively with a breath test.

Non‐A, non‐B posttransfusion hepatitis: Comparing C and non‐C hepatitis

Ronald L. Koretz, Maria Brezina, Alan J. Polito, Stella Quan, Judith Wilber, Robert Dinello, Gary Gitnick – 1 March 1993 – Using assays to detect antibodies against antigens (C‐100, 5‐1‐1, C‐22 and C‐33) of the hepatitis C virus, we tested stored sera from 40 patients prospectively identified as having non‐A, non‐B posttransfusion hepatitis. The 28 patients who demonstrated seroconversion (“documented hepatitis C”) had more severe initial disease; all 20 cases of chronic hepatitis occurred in this subgroup.

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