High carrier rate after hepatitis B virus infection in the elderly
Yoshimasa Kondo, Katsuhiko Tsukada, Toshihiko Takeuchi, Takehiro Mitsui, Keiko Iwano, Kazuo Masuko, Tomobumi Itoh, Hajime Tokita, Hiroaki Okamoto, Fumio Tsuda, Yuzo Miyakawa, Makoto Mayumi – 1 October 1993 – An outbreak of hepatitis B virus infection occurred in a nursing facility; it involved 31 patients with sequelae of cerebral vascular accidents (15 men and 16 women; mean age, 77.4 ± 9.3 yr). HBsAg disappeared within 6 mo in 9 patients and persisted during an observation period of more than 6 mo in 13; the remaining 9 patients were lost to follow‐up while they carried HBsAg.