G proteins in rat liver proliferation during cholestasis

Nieves Rodriguez‐Henche, Luis G. Guijarro, Alain Couvineau, Isabel Carrero, Eduardo Arilla, Marc Laburthe, Juan C. Prieto – 1 October 1994 – Liver proliferation appears to be dually regulated, in part by cyclic AMP levels. Here we studied the alterations in the stimulatory action of cholera toxin and other agents on the adenylyl cyclase system, as well as the status of Gs and Gi protein subunits during the liver proliferation that follows bile duct ligation in rats.

Effects of protein kinase C and cytosolic Ca2+ on exocytosis in the isolated perfused rat liver

Rafael Bruck, Michael H. Nathanson, Han Roelofsen, James L. Boyer – 1 October 1994 – Both protein kinase C and cytosolic Ca2+ are involved in the regulation of exocytosis in a number of cell types. However, the relative importance of each of these for apical exocytosis in the hepatocyte is unknown. To investigate this, we studied the effects of protein kinase C and Ca2+ agonists on horseradish peroxidase excretion in the isolated perfused rat liver.

EPstein‐barr virus in inflammatory diseases of the liver and liver allografts: An in situ hybridization study

Stefan G. Hubscher, Ann Williams, Suzanne M. Davison, Lawrence S. Young, Gerald Niedobitek – 1 October 1994 – The Epstein‐Barr virus is associated with a broad spectrum of lymphoproliferative diseases in liver allograft recipients. To investigate the effects of primary infection in children following liver transplantation and the possible role of Epstein‐Barr virus in the pathogenesis of unexplained chronic hepatitis after transplantation, we used an in situ hybridization technique to detect small virus encoded nuclear RNAs in posttransplant specimens.

Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule‐1 in primary biliary cirrhosis: Relationship with disease stage, immune activity and cholestasis

A. Guan Lim, Riadh P. Jazrawi, Hafez A. Ahmed, Joanne H. Levy, Massimo Zuin, Andrew C. Douds, J. Douglas, Tim C. Northfield – 1 October 1994 – Intercellular adhesion molecule—1, strongly expressed on the interlobular and proliferating bile ducts in primary biliary cirrhosis, is important in the migration and adhesion of inflammatory cells from the circulation to these structures. A soluble form has been found to be elevated in serum in primary biliary cirrhosis.

Prospective randomized trial of emergency portacaval shunt and emergency medical therapy in unselected cirrhotic patients with bleeding varices

Marshall J. Orloff, Richard H. Bell, Mark S. Orloff, William G. M. Hardison, A. Gerson Greenburg – 1 October 1994 – A prospective randomized trial was conducted in unselected, consecutive patients with bleeding esophageal varices resulting from cirrhosis comparing (1) emergency portacaval shunt performed within 8 hr of initial contact (21 patients) with (2) emergency medical therapy (intravenous vasopressin and esophageal balloon tamponade) followed in 9 to 30 days by elective portacaval shunt in survivors (22 patients).

Blood and plasma 5‐hydroxytryptamine levels in patients with cirrhosis

Patrice Beaudry, Antoine Hadengue, Jacques Callebert, Christophe Gaudin, Hany Soliman, Richard Moreau, Jean Marie Launay, Didier Lebrec – 1 October 1994 – Serotoninergic mechanisms are thought to play a role in portal hypertension. Because this biomine is metabolized by the liver, peripheral blood and plasma levels of 5‐hydroxytryptamine and 5‐hydroxyindole acetic acid (the main metabolite of 5‐hydroxytryptamine) were measured in 30 patients with cirrhosis.

The mallory body: Morphological, clinical and experimental studies (part 1 of a literature survey)

Kenneth Jensen, Christian Gluud – 1 October 1994 – To aid understanding of markers of disease and predictors of outcome in alcohol‐exposed systems, we undertook a literature survey of more than 700 articles to view the morphological characteristics and the clinical and experimental epidemiology of the Mallory body. Mallory bodies are filaments of intermediate diameter that contain intermediate filament components (e.g., cytokeratins) observable by conventional light microscopy or immunohistochemical methods, identical in structure regardless of initiating factors or putative pathogenesis.

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