Serum hyaluronate in the assessment of liver endothelial cell function after orthotopic liver transplantation in the rat

Hiroaki Shimizu, Wei He, Ping Guo, Irena Dziadkoviec, Masaru Miyazaki, Rudolf E. Falk – 1 November 1994 – This study was designed to evaluate the use of serum hyaluronate as a marker of liver endothelial cell function after liver transplantation. We performed orthotopic liver transplantation in both isogeneic and allogeneic rejector models. After transplantation, hepatocyte function was assessed on the basis of serum ALT and total bilirubin levels, and liver endothelial cell function was judged on the basis of serum hyaluronate levels.

Mechanism of activation of the NA+/H+ exchanger by arginine vasopressin in hepatocytes

M. Sawkat Anwer – 1 November 1994 – Arginine vasopressin has been shown to activate the Na/H+ exchanger in hepatocytes by calcium/calmodulin‐dependent processes. Whether this activation also involves protein kinase C and is associated with changes in the intracellular pH setpoint was investigated in this study. Changes in pHi and intracellular Ca++ concentration were measured with the fluorescent probes BCECF and quin‐2, respectively. Intracellular pH recovery rate was calculated from timedependent changes in intracellular pH in hepatocytes acid‐loaded with sodium propionate.

Human hepatocytes are more resistant than rat hepatocytes to Anoxia‐reoxygenation injury

Paolo Caraceni, Antonio Gasbarrini, Andreas Nussler, Mauricio Di Silvio, Fabio Bartoli, Andre B. Borle, David H. Van Thiel – 1 November 1994 – We performed this study to determine whether perfused isolated human and rat hepatocytes have different sensitivities to anoxia‐reoxygenation injury. Oxygen free radicals were detected by lucigenin‐enhanced chemiluminescence. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring malondialdehyde release. Cell injury was evaluated by measuring lactate dehydrogenase release and trypan blue uptake.

Relationship of Ornithine Decarboxylase activity and histological findings in human hepatocellular carcinoma

Akihiro Tamori, Shuhel Nishiguchi, Tetsuo Kuroki, Shuichi Seki, Kenzo Kobayashi, Hiroaki Kinoshita, Shuzo Otani – 1 November 1994 – To evaluate the correlation between the polyamine metabolism and the degree of malignancy in hepatocellular carcinoma, we measured ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine concentrations in neoplastic tissue and adjacent noncancerous tissue from resected specimens of liver from 30 patients.

Hepatic preneoplasia in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice

Iljia Toshkov, Francis V. Chisari, Peter Bannasch – 1 November 1994 – Hepatocarcinogenesis in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice was studied by means of a correlative cytomorphological and cytochemical approach at different time points in animals from 1 to 34 mo old. HBsAg‐positive ground‐glass hepatocytes emerged throughout the liver parenchyma in nearly all transgenic mice during the first 4 mo after birth. The panlobular expression of HBsAg persisted until foci of altered hepatocytes appeared (6 to 9 mo of age).

The hepatitis B virus receptor: Book'em, Dano?

Mark E. Peeples – 1 November 1994 – In a previous study, we have identified endonexin II (E‐II) on human liver plasma membranes as a specific, Ca‐dependent, small hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)‐binding protein. In this article, we describe the spontaneous development of anti‐HBs antibodies in rabbits immunized with native or recombinant human liver E‐II and in chickens immunized with the F(ab′)2 fragment of rabbit anti‐human liver E‐II immunoglobulin G. Anti‐HBs activity was not observed in rabbits immunized with rat liver E‐II.

Early pregnancy factor in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats: Relationship with chaperonin 10

Kathryn A. Quinn, Alice C. Cavanagh, Narelle C. Hillyard, Dorothy A. McKay, Halle Morton – 1 November 1994 – Early pregnancy factor is not only a product of dividing embryonic and neoplastic cells, as demonstrated previously, but also of normal proliferating cells. Eight hours after partial hepatectomy in rats, early pregnancy factor was detected in serum. It rose to a peak by 48 hr.

Cerebral Phosphorus‐31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients with chronic hepatic encephalopathy

Simon D. Taylor‐Robinson, Janet Sargentoni, Rosemary J. Mallalieu, Jimmy D. Bell, David J. Bryant, Glyn A. Coutts, Marsha Y. Morgan – 1 November 1994 – Cerebral phosphorus‐31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy was undertaken in 33 patients with biopsyproven cirrhosis: 6 had no evidence of neuropsychiatric impairment on standard clinical, psychometric and electrophysiological testing; 8 had evidence of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy; and 19 were classified as having overt hepatic encephalopathy. The reference population comprised 15 healthy volunteers.

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