Serum hepatocyte growth factor levels in liver diseases: Clinical implications

Goshi Shiota, Jun‐Ichi Okano, Hironaka Kawasaki, Tomokazu Kawamoto, Toshikazu Nakamura – 1 January 1995 – Although recent studies have shown that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen in vivo, the significance of serum HGF in liver diseases remains unclear. To clarify clinical significance of serum HGF in liver diseases, serum HGF was measured in 127 patients with liver diseases and in 200 healthy individuals, using a highly sensitive immunoradiometric assay (IRMA). This assay is specific for HGF and is sensitive enough to detect 0.1 ng/mL of HGF.

Metabolism of cholesterol and low‐ and high‐density lipoproteins in primary biliary cirrhosis: Cholesterol absorption and synthesis related to lipoprotein levels and their kinetics

Helena Gylling, Martti Färkkilä, Matti Vuoristo, Tatu A. Miettinen – 1 January 1995 – Cholesterol absorption, elimination, and synthesis, and low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) kinetics were studied in patients with mild to severe primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) (n = 16) to show how this cholestatic disease modified cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism as compared with healthy controls (n = 50).

Liver transplantation in the presence of situs inversus totalis: Application of reduced‐size graft

Shunji Kawamoto, Russell W. Strong, Stephen V. Lynch, Tat Hin Ong, S. Praga Pillay, Junichi Yamanaka, Glenda A. Balderson – 1 January 1995 – Because of the anatomical features associated with situs inversus, technical difficulties will be encountered during orthotopic liver transplantation. This report describes the case of a patient with situs inversus totalis and end‐stage liver disease from biliary atresia who was treated by segmental orthotopic liver transplantation.

Changes in fatty acid composition of plasma, liver microsomes, and erythrocytes in liver cirrhosis induced by oral intake of thioacetamide in rats

Eliane Moreira, Luis Fontana, José Luis Periago, Fermín Sánchez De Medina, Ángel Gil – 1 January 1995 – The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in fatty acid composition of lipids of plasma, erythrocytes, and liver microsomes in rats with liver cirrhosis induced by oral intake of thioacetamide and to determine to what extent the experimental model reproduces the fatty acid tissue alterations reported in human cirrhosis. Two groups of rats were studied.

Fulminant hepatic failure: Summary of a workshop

Jay H. Hoofnagle, Robert L. Carithers, Craig Shapiro, Nancy Ascher – 1 January 1995 – Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is defined by the appearance of severe liver injury with hepatic encephalopathy in a previously healthy person. There are an estimated 2,000 cases of FHF in the United States yearly, representing 0.1% of all deaths and, perhaps, 6% of liverrelated deaths. The causes of FHF are many, the chief ones in the United States being hepatitis A; B; non‐A, non‐B and drug induced liver disease.

Hepatic collagen synthesis and degradation during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy

Hiroko Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Murawaki, Hironaka Kawasaki – 1 January 1995 – To elucidate hepatic collagen metabolism during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, we measured collagen content, collagen synthesis, and collagen‐degrading enzyme activity in the remnant livers of rats 3, 5, 7, and 14 days after a partial hepatectomy of 68%.

Determination of hepatitis delta virus RNA by polymerase chain reaction in acute and chronic delta infection

Rosendo Jardi, Maria Buti, Montserrat Cotrina, Francisco Rodriguez, Helena Allende, Rafael Esteban, Jaime Guardia – 1 January 1995 – The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in acute and chronic D hepatitis and to correlate with HDV‐RNA detection by dot blot and hepatic delta antigen.

Selective transmission of variant genomes from mother to infant in neonatal fulminant hepatitis B

Fritz Von Weizsäcker, Irmgard Pult, Katja Geiss, Stefan Wirth, Hubert E. Blum – 1 January 1995 – Hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleotide sequences isolated from mother/child pairs were analyzed in three cases of neonatal fulminant hepatitis B (FHB). Heterogeneous HBV sequences consistent with both adw2 and ayw subtype were found in all three mothers. In one case, in which the child survived, both subtypes were transmited. By contrast, only the ayw subtype was present in the two other children with a fatal course of FHB.

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