A global perspective on hepatitis B‐related single nucleotide polymorphisms and evolution during human migration
Dar‐In Tai, Wen‐Juei Jeng, Chun‐Yen Lin – 6 November 2017 – Genome‐wide association studies have indicated that human leukocyte antigen (HLA)‐DP and HLA‐DQ play roles in persistent hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Asia. To understand the evolution of HBV‐related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and to correlate these SNPs with chronic HBV infection among different populations, we conducted a global perspective study on hepatitis‐related SNPs. We selected 12 HBV‐related SNPs on the HLA locus and two HBV and three hepatitis C virus immune‐related SNPs for analysis.