Host and viral factors associated with serum hepatitis B virus RNA levels among patients in need for treatment

Margo J.H. van Campenhout, Florian van Bömmel, Maria Pfefferkorn, Janett Fischer, Danilo Deichsel, André Boonstra, Anneke J. van Vuuren, Thomas Berg, Bettina E. Hansen, Harry L.A. Janssen – 7 March 2018 – Hepatitis B virus (HBV) RNA in serum is a novel biomarker for intrahepatic HBV replication and treatment response. For its proper use, it is essential to identify factors influencing serum HBV RNA level.

Dual role for inositol‐requiring enzyme 1α in promoting the development of hepatocellular carcinoma during diet‐induced obesity in mice

Ying Wu, Bo Shan, Jianli Dai, Zhixiong Xia, Jie Cai, Tianwei Chen, Songya Lv, Yuxiong Feng, Ling Zheng, Yan Wang, Jianfeng Liu, Jing Fang, Dong Xie, Liangyou Rui, Jianmiao Liu, Yong Liu – 5 March 2018 – Obesity is associated with both endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and chronic metabolic inflammation. ER stress activates the unfolded protein response (UPR) and has been implicated in a variety of cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is unclear whether individual UPR pathways are mechanistically linked to HCC development, however.

Variability in acceptance of organ offers by pediatric transplant centers and its impact on wait‐list mortality

Ellen Mitchell, Kathleen M. Loomes, Robert H. Squires, David Goldberg – 5 March 2018 – Recent data have suggested that pediatric patients wait‐listed for a liver transplantation frequently have liver offers declined. However, factors associated with liver offer decisions and center‐level variability in practice patterns have not been explored.

A single blood test adjusted for different liver fibrosis targets improves fibrosis staging and especially cirrhosis diagnosis

Paul Calès, Jérôme Boursier, Frédéric Oberti, Valérie Moal, Isabelle Fouchard Hubert, Sandrine Bertrais, Gilles Hunault, Marie Christine Rousselet, multicentric groups (SNIFF, ANRS HC 23) – 5 March 2018 – Fibrosis blood tests are usually developed using significant fibrosis, which is a unique diagnostic target; however, these tests are employed for other diagnostic targets, such as cirrhosis. We aimed to improve fibrosis staging accuracy by simultaneously targeting biomarkers for several diagnostic targets.

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