Mayank Sharma, Siddharth Singh, Douglas A. Simonetto – 8 April 2019
Mayank Sharma, Siddharth Singh, Douglas A. Simonetto – 8 April 2019
Xin Chen, Satdarshan P. Monga, Diego F. Calvisi – 8 April 2019
Young‐Eun Cho, Do‐Kyun Kim, Wonhyo Seo, Bin Gao, Seong‐Ho Yoo, Byoung‐Joon Song – 8 April 2019 – Fructose intake is known to induce obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to evaluate the effects of fructose drinking on gut leakiness, endotoxemia, and NAFLD and study the underlying mechanisms in rats, mice, and T84 colon cells.
Helene Gilgenkrantz, Christine Perret – 8 April 2019
Andrew M. Moon, Paul H. Hayashi, A. Sidney Barritt – 5 April 2019
Raj Vuppalanchi, Naga Chalasani – 5 April 2019
Mamta K. Jain, Nicole E. Rich, Chul Ahn, Barbara J. Turner, Joanne M. Sanders, Brian Adamson, Lisa Quirk, Patrice Perryman, Noel O. Santini, Amit G. Singal – 4 April 2019 – Hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing in persons born from 1945 to 1965 has had limited adoption despite guidelines, particularly among racial/ethnic minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, who have a higher prevalence of disease burden. We examined the effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to improve HCV screening in a large safety‐net health system.
Marit Kalisvaart, Andrea Schlegel, Palak J. Trivedi, Keith Roberts, Darius F. Mirza, Thamara Perera, John I. Isaac, James Ferguson, Jeroen Jonge, Paolo Muiesan – 4 April 2019 – The use of extended criteria donor (ECD) grafts has been associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) after liver transplantation. However, the relation between graft quality and development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the impact of ECD grafts for CKD after liver transplantation.
Megan G. Hofmeister, Brian R. Edlin, Eli S. Rosenberg, Elizabeth M. Rosenthal, Laurie K. Barker, Meredith A. Barranco, Eric W. Hall, Jonathan Mermin, A. Blythe Ryerson – 4 April 2019
Sapna S. Humar, Jingqian Liu, Natalia Pinzon, Deepali Kumar, Mamatha Bhat, Les Lilly, Nazia Selzner – 4 April 2019 – Increased‐risk donor (IRD) organs make up a significant proportion of the deceased organ donor pool but may be declined by patients on the waiting list for various reasons. We conducted a survey of patients awaiting a liver transplant to determine the factors leading to the acceptance of an IRD organ as well as what strategies could increase the rate of acceptance.