LiverLearning®: 2019 Webinar: Evaluation of Renal Dysfunction and Hyponatremia in Patients with Cirrhosis

This webinar will discuss the management of renal insufficiency in patients with cirrhosis, in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Topics to be discussed include workup of the patient with acute kidney injury in the outpatient setting, management of diuretics and evaluation using novel biomarkers.

Report on the AASLD/EASL Joint Workshop on Clinical Trial Endpoints in NAFLD

Mary E. Rinella, Frank Tacke, Arun J. Sanyal, Quentin M. Anstee, on behalf of the participants of the AASLD/EASL Workshop – 9 July 2019 – Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a global public health concern. Its natural history, the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and fibrosis, is highly variable, prone to endogenous (e.g., genetics, microbiota) and exogenous (e.g., nutrition, alcohol, physical activity) disease modifiers, and can fluctuate over time. The complexity of its pathophysiology is reflected by the multitude of pharmacological targets in development.

Handgrip Strength Adds More Prognostic Value to the Model for End‐Stage Liver Disease Score Than Imaging‐Based Measures of Muscle Mass in Men With Cirrhosis

Marie Sinclair, Brooke Chapman, Rudolf Hoermann, Peter W. Angus, Adam Testro, Thomas Scodellaro, Paul J. Gow – 8 July 2019 – Sarcopenia is associated with mortality in cirrhosis, but there is no gold standard for its diagnosis. The comparative utility of different diagnostic methods is unknown. This single‐center observational cohort study followed 145 men referred for liver transplant evaluation between 2005 and 2012.

Liver‐Targeted Toll‐Like Receptor 7 Agonist Combined With Entecavir Promotes a Functional Cure in the Woodchuck Model of Hepatitis B Virus

Kyle E. Korolowizc, Bin Li, Xu Huang, Changsuek Yon, Evelyn Rodrigo, Manny Corpuz, David M. Plouffe, Bhaskar V. Kallakury, Manasa Suresh, Tom Y.‐H. Wu, Andrew T. Miller, Stephan Menne – 8 July 2019 – Current therapeutics for chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) rarely induce functional cure due to the immunotolerant status of patients. Small molecule agonists targeting toll‐like receptor 7 (TLR7) have been shown to elicit a functional cure in animal models of HBV but sometimes with poor tolerability due to immune‐related toxicities.

Hepatitis B Virus Virions Produced Under Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Treatment Are Mainly Not Infectious Because of Irreversible DNA Chain Termination

Yongzhen Liu, Hui Liu, Zhanying Hu, Yang Ding, Xiao‐Ben Pan, Jun Zou, Jingyuan Xi, Guangxin Yu, Hongxin Huang, Meng‐Ting Luo, Fang Guo, Shuang Liu, Qiuju Sheng, Jidong Jia, Yong‐Tang Zheng, Jie Wang, Xiangmei Chen, Ju‐Tao Guo, Lai Wei, Fengmin Lu – 6 July 2019 – Nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs) have been widely used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Because viral DNA polymerase lacks proofreading function (3′ exonuclease activity), theoretically, the incorporated NAs would irreversibly terminate viral DNA synthesis.

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