ASKing No More: The Emerging Role of Dual‐Specific Phosphatase 12 in the Regulation of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism
Concetta Bubici, Alessio Lepore, Salvatore Papa – 12 July 2019
Concetta Bubici, Alessio Lepore, Salvatore Papa – 12 July 2019
Wei Qiu – 12 July 2019
Nicole J. Kim, Daniel Holguin, Dylan Bush, Mandana Khalili – 11 July 2019 – The opioid epidemic has recently increased the rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among young women. We therefore aimed to characterize the cascade of HCV care in a cohort of underserved women of reproductive age. Medical records of 19,121 women between the ages of 15 and 44 years, receiving primary care in the San Francisco safety‐net health care system, were reviewed.
Andrew Y. Wang, Elliot Z. Smith, Bryan G. Sauer, Zachary H. Henry, Neeral L. Shah, Stephen H. Caldwell – 11 July 2019
Avik Majumdar, Sara Campos, Kurinchi Gurusamy, Massimo Pinzani, Emmanuel A. Tsochatzis – 11 July 2019 – No studies explore the clinical consequences of using noninvasive tests (NITs) compared to liver biopsy (LB) in diagnosing cirrhosis. Our aim was to combine two decision analytic models to determine the minimum diagnostic accuracy criteria for NITs to diagnose cirrhosis with equivalence to LB in terms of mortality. We further evaluated selected existing NITs used alone and sequentially.
Nicole J. Kim, Daniel Holguin, Dylan Bush, Mandana Khalili – 11 July 2019 – The opioid epidemic has recently increased the rates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among young women. We therefore aimed to characterize the cascade of HCV care in a cohort of underserved women of reproductive age. Medical records of 19,121 women between the ages of 15 and 44 years, receiving primary care in the San Francisco safety‐net health care system, were reviewed.
Jiahui Li, Huimin Liu, Amy S. Mauer, Fabrice Lucien, Abagail Raiter, Harikrishna Bandla, Taofic Mounajjed, Ziying Yin, Kevin J. Glaser, Meng Yin, Harmeet Malhi – 10 July 2019 – Circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a novel and emerging biomarker for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). It has been demonstrated that total circulating EVs and hepatocyte‐derived EVs are elevated in male mice with diet‐induced NASH. How hepatocyte‐derived EVs change over time and other cellular sources of EVs in NASH have not been determined.
Kelly L. Hayward, Patricia C. Valery, W. Neil Cottrell, Katharine M. Irvine, Jennifer H. Martin, Elizabeth E. Powell – 10 July 2019
Indira Bhavsar, Jennifer Wang, Sean M. Burke, Kimberly Dowdell, R. Ann Hays, Nicolas M. Intagliata – 10 July 2019