Hepatic drug clearance in chronic liver disease: Can we expect to find a universal, quantitative marker of hepatic function?

Denis J. Morgan, Richard A. Smallwood – 1 November 1989 – Blood clearance of antipyrine, indocyanine green, and galactose were measured to evaluate the alterations of effective hepatic blood flow and hepatic intrinsic clearances in chronic liver diseases. Galactose blood clearance, which may be taken as effective hepatic blood flow, decreased by approximately 30% in patients with cirrhosis (12.49 ± 0.76 ml/min/kg; mean ± SE; n = 17) compared with normal subjects (18.17 ± 1.03 ml/min/kg; n = 5).

Reduced‐size orthotopic liver transplantation: Use in the management of children with chronic liver disease

Jean C. Emond, Peter F. Whitington, J. Richard Thistlethwaite, Estella M. Alonso, Christoph E. Broelsch – 1 November 1989 – Reducing the size of a liver for use in a recipient smaller than the donor is one way to reduce mortality before orthotopic liver transplantation in children because of the scarcity of pediatric organ donors. In this report, we review the results of this approach over the past 2 years, during which we have used reduced‐size orthotopic liver transplantation routinely in small children.

Tissue‐specific activity of heterologous viral promoters in primary rat hepatocytes and Hep G2 cells

Fang Xian‐Jun, Armand Keating, Jean de Villiers, Morris Sherman – 1 November 1989 – In preparation for studies using gene transfer, we have identified transcriptional control elements which are active in primary rat hepatocytes. We used plasmids which were constructed so that the promoter or enhancer of interest initiated transcription of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene.

Augmentation of the natriuretic response to atrial natriuretic factor in cirrhosis

Alexander L. Gerbes – 1 November 1989 – The effects of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) on splanchnic hemodynamics and renal function in portal hypertensive models are described incompletely. Furthermore, ANF‐induced vasodilatation and hypotension may limit the assessment of its own renal physiological effects. We infused ANF (human ANF 102‐126) to anesthetized portal vein‐ligated rats, a model with prehepatic portal hypertension. Arterial pressure was reduced by 17%, but portal pressure was unaffected.

Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense systems in rat liver after chronic ethanol feeding

Tateo Kawase, Shinzo Kato, Charles S. Lieber – 1 November 1989 – The effects of chronic ethanol feeding on hepatic lipid peroxidation, ascorbic acid, glutathione and vitamin E levels were investigated in rats fed low or adequate amounts of dietary vitamin E. Hepatic lipid peroxidation was significantly increased after chronic ethanol feeding in rats receiving a low‐vitamin E diet, indicating that dietary vitamin E is an important determinant of hepatic lipid peroxidation induced by chronic ethanol feeding.

Tumor necrosis factor α production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with chronic liver disease

Kentaro Yoshioka, Shinichi Kakumu, Motohiro Arao, Yasuhiko Tsutsumi, Masaki Inoue – 1 November 1989 – We investigated the production of tumor necrosis factor α by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with chronic liver disease and its association with hepatitis activity. Tumor necrosis factor α production was measured with an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay.

γ‐interferon treatment inhibits collagen deposition in murine schistosomiasis

Mark J. Czaja, Francis R. Weiner, Shizuko Takahashi, Marie‐Adele Giambrone, Peter H. Der Van Meide, Huub Schellekens, Luis Biempica, Mark A. Zern – 1 November 1989 – Since interferons have been shown to affect the synthesis of matrix proteins such as collagen in several in vitro systems, the potential role of γ‐interferon in inhibiting hepatic fibrosis was investigated. Hepatic cells, consisting primarily of hepatocytes, were treated with recombinant γ‐interferon for 24 hr.

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