Orthotopic liver transplantation and the cytosolic estrogen‐androgen receptor status of the liver: The influence of the sex of the donor

Delawir Kahn, Qihua Zeng, Leonard Makowka, Noriko Murase, Yasuaki Nakajima, Patricia K. Eagon, Antonio Francavilla, Thomas E. Starzl, David H. van Thiel – 1 November 1989 – Mammalian liver is known to contain cytosolic receptors for both estrogens and androgens. Furthermore, certain mammalian hepatic functions are known to display a sexual dimorphism. However, in clinical liver transplantation, the sex of the donor is not taken into consideration in selection of the donor.

Assessment of mitochondrial function in vivo with a breath test utilizing α—ketoisocaproic acid

Patrice A. Michaletz, Ludèk Cap, Elliot Alpert, Bernhard H. Lauterburg – 1 November 1989 – A breath test to assess hepatic mitochondrial function in vivo was evaluated in rats. Following the i.p. administration of [1‐14C]‐α‐ketoisocaproic acid, 14CO2 exhalation reached a peak within 10 to 20 min and then declined exponentially, with a half‐life of 14.3 min. Control animals exhaled 38.6% of the administered radioactivity within 1 hr.

Extramural cross‐validation of the mayo primary biliary cirrhosis survival model establishes its generalizability

Patricia M. Grambsch, E. Rolland Dickson, Marshall Kaplan, Gene Lesage, Thomas R. Fleming, Alice L. Langworthy – 1 November 1989 – The generalizability of the Mayo model for predicting survival in individual primary biliary cirrhosis patients without liver transplantation was tested and confirmed. The model was applied to a data base of patients from the New England Medical Center Hospitals (n = 141) and the Scott and White Clinic (n = 35) and found to predict their survival accurately.

Liver histology abnormalities in the morbidly obese

Joseph Klain, Drora Fraser, Jed Goldstein, Jochanan Peiser, Eliezer Avinoah, Amnon Ovnat, Ilan Charuzi – 1 November 1989 – A prospective study was undertaken in order to investigate the association between clinical and biochemical parameters and the histopathological findings in liver biopsies in the morbidly obese. Wedge liver biopsy specimens were taken at the beginning of the surgical procedure from 100 consecutive morbidly obese patients undergoing Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass.

Comparison of treatments of bleeding varices: Effects of differences between treatment intended and treatment received

Linda Rabeneck – 1 October 1989 – Ninety‐seven patients with recent or active var‐iceal bleeding were randomly assigned to oral pro‐pranolol, endoscopic sclerotherapy plus oral pro‐pranolol, or transhepatic sclerotherapy plus oral propranolol. The effects of treatment on the number of units transfused, rebleeding of any magnitude, major rebleeding, and death were assessed in these patients, 82% of whom were alcoholic and 81% Child's Class C.

Enterically transmitted non‐A, non‐B hepatitis: Recovery of virus–like particles from an epidemic in south delhi and transmission studies in rhesus monkeys

Subrat K. Panda, Rakesh Datta, Jagjit Kaur, Arie J. Zuckerman, Nabeen C. Nayak – 1 October 1989 – An epidemic of viral hepatitis, serologically characterized as due to non‐A, non‐B hepatitis, occurred in a village of South Delhi, India, in December, 1986, through January, 1987. Water contaminated with fecal matter was the apparent source of infection. Disease‐associated virus‐like particles were detected by immune electron microscopy in the feces of three patients within 5 days of illness.

Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on bile acid metabolism in primary biliary cirrhosis

Ashok K. Batta, Gerald Salen, Renu Arora, Sarah Shefer, G. Stephen Tint, John Abroon, David Eskreis, Seymour Katz – 1 October 1989 – We have compared the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid with placebo on the clinical state, blood liver chemistries and serum and urinary bile acids in four patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. All parameters were evaluated monthly, and bile acid composition was measured by capillary gas‐liquid chromatography.

Successful endoscopic obturation of gastric varices with butyl cyanoacrylate

Marie‐Jose Ramond, Dominique Valla, Jean‐François Mosnier, Claude Degott, Jacques Bernuau, Bernard Rueff, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou – 1 October 1989 – In 27 patients who had bled from esophagogastric varices, large‐sized and/or actively bleeding gastric varices were endoscopically obturated with the tissue adhesive butyl cyanoacrylate. Active bleeding was stopped in six patients.

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