Response of fibronectin to liver regeneration after hepatectomy
A‐Hon Kwon, Yoshiaki Inada, Shoji Uetsuji, Manabu Yamamura, Koshiro Hioki, Masakatsu Yamamoto – 1 April 1990 – The relationship between plasma fibronectin concentration and the regenerative process in liver remnants after hepatectomy was studied in 12 patients and in male Sprague‐Dawley rats with and without cirrhosis. Plasma fibronectin levels were reduced immediately after hepatectomy in humans and rats. Patients and rats without cirrhosis displayed preoperative fibronectin levels within 1 mo and 1 wk, respectively, but low fibronectin levels persisted longer in those with cirrhosis.
Cholesterol crystal nucleation: A decade‐long search for the missing link in gallstone pathogenesis
Nezam H. Afdhal, Bernard F. Smith – 1 April 1990
Mechanism of γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase release in serum during intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholestasis in the rat: A histochemical, biochemical and molecular approach
Frederique Bulle, Philippe Mavier, Elie Serge Zafrani, Anne‐Marie Preaux, Marie‐Claude Lescs, Sylvie Siegrist, Daniel Dhumeaux, Georges Guellaën – 1 April 1990 – The mechanism of the elevation of serum γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase activity in cholestasis is not clear. We therefore analyzed rat γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase activities in liver, bile and serum during intrahepatic cholestasis induced by a single dose of α‐naphthyl isothiocyanate (20 mg/100 gm body weight) and during extrahepatic cholestasis after bile duct ligation.
Inhibition of HBV replication during coinfection with HBV and HDV: Inhibition of the inhibition by coinfection with HIV
Sugantha Govindarajan – 1 April 1990 – The clinical course, changes in liver function tests and the behaviour of viral markers over the course of time have been examined in 45 patients with acute hepatitis B and 14 patients with acute hepatitis caused by B and D viruses coinfection. There were no significant differences, either in the clinical course or in the liver function tests, in the two groups.
Stimulation of hepatic lipocyte collagen production by Kupffer cell‐derived transforming growth factor β: Implication for a pathogenetic role in alcoholic liver fibrogenesis
Masaki Matsuoka, Hidekazu Tsukamoto – 1 April 1990 – Transforming growth factor β has a specific stimulatory effect on collagen formation by hepatic lipocytes, a cell type believed to be a major source of extracellular matrices in the liver. Because monocytes and macrophages are the known sources of transforming growth factor β, Kupffer cells‐resident macrophages in the liver‐may also play an important role in liver fibrogenesis by releasing this cytokine and stimulating lipocyte collagen production.
Identification of the bile canalicular cell surface molecule GP110 as the ectopeptidase dipeptidyl peptidase IV: An analysis by tissue distribution, purification and N‐terminal amino acid sequence
Geoffrey W. McCaughan, Julie E. Wickson, Paul F. Creswick, Mark D. Gorrell – 1 April 1990 – This paper describes the tissue distribution, purification and N‐terminal amino acid sequence of the bile canalicular cell surface molecule dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Immunoperoxidase staining of cryostat sections of rat liver with a monoclonal antibody, Medical Research Council OX‐61, indicated specific binding to hepatocyte bile canalicular domains and brush borders of bile ducts.
1 April 1990
Isolation of a potent cholesterol nucleation‐promoting activity from human gallbladder bile: Role in the pathogenesis of gallstone disease
Albert K. Groen, Christa Noordam, Jan A. G. Drapers, Peter Egbers, Peter L. M. Jansen, Guido N. J. Tytgat – 1 April 1990 – Gallbladder bile contains nucleation‐promoting activity that binds to concanavalin A. The activity was found in gallbladder bile from cholesterol gallstone patients but also in gallbladder bile from patients without stones and patients with pigment stones. Bile from patients with multiple cholesterol gallstones contained high concanavalin A‐binding nucleation‐promoting activity.