The hepatocyte protein synthesis defect induced by galactosamine involves hypomethylation of ribosomal RNA

Gary A. Clawson, Julie Sesno, Kathy Milam, Yan‐Fel Wang, Caroline Gabriel – 1 March 1990 – D‐galactosamine produces an early defect in protein synthesis, independent of its effects on RNA synthcsis. Here we show that the defect in protein synthesis is inherent in purified ribosomal subunits in vitro.

Antibodies against the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor perfused In Situ preferentially attach to periportal liver cells in the rat

Barbara M. McFarlane, Jozsef Sipos, Christopher D. Gove, Ian G. McFarlane, Roger Williams – 1 March 1990 – Autoantibodies reacting with the galactose‐specific hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor—a liver‐specific component expressed on the surfaces of hepatocytes—are often found in patients with chronic active hepatitis of presumed autoimmune origin.

Recurrence factors studied by percutaneous transpepatic portography before and after endoscopic sclerotherapy for esophageal varies

Yasuhiro Takase, Susumu Shibuya, Fumio Chikamori, Kazuo Orii, Yoji Iwasaki – 1 March 1990 – High recurrence and rebleding rates have been reported when endocopic sclerotherapy has been performed on patients with esophageal varices. We studied the relationship between embolization range and recurrence rate in 26 patients in whom percutaneous transhepatic portography was carried out before and after sclerotherapy. Patients were divided into complete and incomplete embolization groups. The complete and incomplete embolization groups.

Spontaneous bacterial empyema in cirrhotic patients: Analysis of eleven cases

Xavier Xiol, Jose Castellote, Carme Baliellas, Javier Ariza, Ana Gimenez Roca, Jordi Guardiola, Luis Casais – 1 March 1990 – Eleven episodes of spontaneous bacterial empyema were identified in eight cirrhotic patients with ascites. Criteria for spontaneous bacterial empyema included positive pleural fluid culture or polymorphonuclear cell concentration >500 cells/mm3, evidence of pleural effusion before an infectious episode and transudate characteristics during infection.

Plasma des‐γ‐carboxyprothrombin in the early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma

Sun‐Lung Tsai, Guan‐Tarn Huang, Pei‐Ming Yang, Jin‐Chuan Sheu, Juei‐Low Sung, Ding‐Shinn Chen – 1 March 1990 – To evaluate the role of plasma des‐γ‐carboxyprothrombin in the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, we simultaneously studied both des‐γ‐carboxyprothrombin activities by staphylocoagulase method and des‐γ‐carboxyprothrombin antigen levels by enzyme immunoassay in 39 patients with early stage hepatocellular carcinoma (tumor size <3 cm in 21 patients, 3 to 5 cm in 18 patients); 68 patients had large hepatocellular carcinoma and 54 patients had chronic hepatitis or cirrhosi

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