Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in Two Adults with Niemann‐Pick and Gaucher's Diseases: Implications for the Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Disease

Elizabeth J. Smanik, Anthony S. Tavill, Gretta H. Jacobs, Irwin A. Schafer, Lou Farquhar, Fredrick L. Weber, James T. Mayes, James A. Schulak, Mary Petrelli, Gregory C. Zirzow, Katharine L. Oliver, STEPHEN P. F. Miller, Roscoe O. Brady – 1 January 1993 – Two adults were seen with cirrhosis caused by different lipid storage diseases. A 42‐yr‐old woman with Niemann‐Pick disease type B had marked hepatomegaly, ascites and recent variceal bleeding.

Expression and Hypomethylation of α‐Fetoprotein Gene in Unicentric and Multicentric Human Hepatocellular Carcinomas

Shian‐Yang Peng, Hey‐Chi Hsu, Po‐Lin Lai, Po‐Tah Tsung, Juan‐Shiu Chu, Po‐Huang Lee, Ding‐Shin Chen – 1 January 1993 – The messenger RNA and DNA methylation of the α‐fetoprotein gene were studied in 101 resected primary hepatocellular carcinomas, of which 93 were unicentric and 8 were multicentric. Fifty‐five were 5 cm or less in diameter (small) and 46 were more than 5 cm in diameter (large).

Experimental Hepatitis Induced by Ethanol After Immunization with Acetaldehyde Adducts

Hirokazu Yokoyama, Hiromasa Ishii, Shigeyuki Nagata, Shinzo Kato, Kiyotaka Kamegaya, Masaharu Tsuchiya – 1 January 1993 – We produced hepatitis in guinea pigs by immunization with acetaldehyde adducts and ethanol treatment. Human hemoglobin‐acetaldehyde adducts were prepared without any reducing agents and affinity purified with polyclonal antibodies against acetaldehyde adducts. Female guinea pigs were immunized with the adducts and were simultaneously given ethanol for 40 days. These treatments induced hepatic necrosis with infiltration of mononuclear cells in the hepatic lobules.

Pregnancy and Cholelithiasis: Pathogenesis and Natural Course of Gallstones Diagnosed in Early Puerperium

Vicente Valdivieso, Carmen Covarrubias, Freddy Siegel, Francisco Cruz – 1 January 1993 – Several recent reports have indicated an increased prevalence of gallstones in association with pregnancy. If these reports are true, the early puerperium should be a favorable time to detect the disease in its initial stages and follow its natural course. Accordingly, the gallbladder was examined by ultrasound in 980 women during the immediate postpartum period and in 150 nulliparous, age‐matched healthy volunteers.

The Clearance Rate of Chylomicron Retinyl Ester from Plasma Can Be Used to Distinguish Rats with Cirrhosis from Those with Portacaval Shunt

Tetsuhiro Kasai, Hisataka Moriwaki, Masataka Okuno, Satoshi Numaguchi, Nobuo Murakami, Mitsuru Seishima, Hiroo Ohnishi, Yoshihiro Shidoji, Yasutoshi Muto – 1 January 1993 – Effects of carbon tetrachloride treatment and portacaval shunt surgery on exogenous chylomicron retinyl ester clearance from rat plasma were analyzed assuming three‐compartment model kinetics. In rats with cirrhosis and in those with Eck fistulas, the relative pool size of compartment 2 decreased (0.20 and 0.36, respectively) compared with controls (0.82).

Fucosylation Index of α‐Fetoprotein, a Possible Aid in the Early Recognition of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Cirrhosis

Yutaka Aoyagi, Atsushi Saitoh, Yasufumi Suzuki, Kentarou Igarashi, Makoto Oguro, Tsuyoshi Yokota, Shigeki Mori, Takeshi Suda, Hitoshi Asakura, Mamoru Isemura – 1 January 1993 – We report here on three patients with cirrhosis for whom an early recognition of hepatocellular carcinoma was made possible by the measurement of the degree of fucosylation (fucosylation index) of α‐fetoprotein.

Oddi's Sphincter Motor Activity in Patients with Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis

Mohammad Sultan Khuroo, Showkat Ali Zargar, Ghulam Nabi Yattoo, Mohammed Sultan Allai, Bashir Ahmad Khan, Mohammed Yousuf Dar, Mohammed Iqbal Boda, Gul Javid – 1 January 1993 – Oddi's sphincter motor activity was studied in 15 healthy subjects and 15 patients with recurrent pyogenic cholangitis. No significant difference was found in the common bile duct pressures, the Oddi's sphincter basal pressures or the amplitude, frequency and duration of phasic contractions between the controls and patients.

Hepatitis C virus transmission during organ transplantation

Jorge J. Gumucio, W. Michael McDonnell, Michael R. Lucey – 1 January 1993 – Background. There is a high prevalence of liver disease among the recipients of organs from donors with antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV). We undertook a study to determine the frequency of persistent HCV infection, as indicated by the presence of HCV RNA, among both cadaveric organ donors positive for antibodies to HCV (anti‐HCV) and the recipients of organs from these donors.

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