Insulin suppresses bile acid synthesis in cultured rat hepatocytes by down‐regulation of cholesterol 7α‐hydroxylase and sterol 27‐hydroxylase gene transcription

Jaap Twisk, Marco F. M. Hoekman, Eline M. Lehmann, Piet Meijer, Willem H. Mager, Hans M. G. Princen – 1 February 1995 – Evidence from in vivo studies indicates that the bile acid pool and bile acid excretion are increased in humans with diabetes mellitus and in experimental diabetic animals, and that both parameters return to normal levels after administration of insulin.

Changes in hepatic lobe volume in biliary tract cancer patients after right portal vein embolization

Masato Nagino, Yuji Nimura, Junichi Kamiya, Satoshi Kondo, Katsuhiko Uesaka, Yukoh Kin, Naokazu Hayakawa, Hideo Yamamoto – 1 February 1995 – Changes in lobar volume of the liver and in total hepatic function were studied in 19 patients with biliary tract cancer who underwent right portal vein embolization as preoperative management for extensive liver resection. Computed tomography (CT) was performed to estimate liver volume before and approximately 11 days after embolization. An indocyanine green (ICG) test was performed before and 11 to 13 days after embolization.

Effect of functional grade and etiology on in vivo hepatic phosphorus‐31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in cirrhosis: Biochemical basis of spectral appearances

David K. Menon, Janet Sargentoni, Simon D. Taylor‐Robinson, Jimmy D. Bell, I. Jane Cox, David J. Bryant, Glyn A. Coults, Keith Rolles, Andrew K. Burroughs, Marsha Y. Margan – 1 February 1995 – Hepatic phosphorus‐31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) was undertaken in 85 patients with histoloically proven cirrhosis of varying etiologies and functional severity. Reference data were acquired from 16 healthy volunteers who had no history or evidence of liver disease or alcohol abuse.

Bilirubin conjugate changes in the bile of gallbladders containing gallstones

Carl A. Goresky, Ellen R. Gordon, E. John Hinchey, Gerald M. Fried – 1 February 1995 – Gallbladder bile was obtained at laparoscopic cholcystecotomy from 31 patients with gallstones, and duodenal aspirates from 18 normal controls. Bile pigments (9 conjugates and unconjugated bilirubin) were analyzed by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The average proportional composition of the bile pigments from the patients with gallstones was characteristically different from the controls.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection as risk factor for mother‐to‐child hepatitis C virus transmission; Persistence of anti–hepatitis C virus in children is associated with the mother's anti–hepatitis C virus immunoblotting pattern

Paola Manzini, Giorgio Saracco, Antonella Cerchier, Caterina Riva, Alberto Musso, Emanuela Ricotti, Elvia Palomba, Carlo Scolfaro, Giorgio Verme, Ferruccio Bonino, Pier Angelo Tovo – 1 February 1995 – To determine the rate of vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV), we prospectively studied 45 babies born to anti‐HCV–positive women with or without con‐comitant infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Predicting survival in fulminant hepatic failure using serum gc protein concentrations

William M. Lee, Robert M. Galbraith, Graeme H. Watt, Robin D. Hughes, Donald D. McIntire, Brenda J. Hoffman, Roger Williams – 1 January 1995 – Plasma Gc protein sequesters actin released into the circulation after massive hepatocyte necrosis, but is greatly depleted in the process. In fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), Gc is present in serum both as a complex with actin and as unbound protein, the latter becoming completely exhausted in those patients with the most severe FHF.

Anti‐liver cytosolic antigen type 1 (LC1) antibodies in childhood autoimmune liver disease

Shuhua Han, Micheal Tredger, Germana V. Gregorio, Giorgina Mieli‐Vergani, Diego Vergani – 1 January 1995 – Antibodies to liver cytosol antigen type 1 (anti‐LC1), which recognize a 60‐kd peptide contained in the liver cytosolic fraction, have been reported to define a subset of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) either negative for other autoantibodies or positive for anti‐liver kidney microsomal antibody type 1 (LKM‐1) and to be best detected in immunodiffusion.

Hepatitis B virus precore mutant infection is associated with severe recurrent disease after liver transplantation

Peter W. Angus, Stephen A. Locarnini, Geoffrey W. McCaughan, Robert M. Jones, Janine S. McMillan, D. Scott Bowden – 1 January 1995 – The factors that predispose patients undergoing liver transplantation for hepatitis B virus (HBV) disease to severe recurrence of infection are unclear. In this study we examined the effect of pretransplantation infection with HBV and precore variant strains of HBV on posttransplantation outcome and allograft histology in 24 patients who survived more than 3 months after liver transplantation.

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