Insulinlike growth factor—ii/mannose 6‐phosphate receptor is expressed on ccl4‐exposed rat fat‐storing cells and facilitates activation of latent transforming growth factor‐β in cocultures with sinusoidal endothelial cells
Pieter J. De Bleserc, Peggy Jannes, Sylvia C. Van Buul‐Offers, Cok M. Hoogerbrugge, Christiaan F. H. Van Schravendijk, Toshiro Niki, Vera Rogiers, Jan L. Van Den Brande, Eddie Wisse, Albert Geerts – 1 May 1995 – Transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β), a potent fibrogenic cytokine, is secreted in latent form. We examined which cell type in both normal and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)‐induced fibrotic rat liver bears surface type II IGF/mannose 6‐phosphate (IGF‐II/M6P) receptor, known to facilitate activation of TGF‐β.