Insulinlike growth factor—ii/mannose 6‐phosphate receptor is expressed on ccl4‐exposed rat fat‐storing cells and facilitates activation of latent transforming growth factor‐β in cocultures with sinusoidal endothelial cells

Pieter J. De Bleserc, Peggy Jannes, Sylvia C. Van Buul‐Offers, Cok M. Hoogerbrugge, Christiaan F. H. Van Schravendijk, Toshiro Niki, Vera Rogiers, Jan L. Van Den Brande, Eddie Wisse, Albert Geerts – 1 May 1995 – Transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β), a potent fibrogenic cytokine, is secreted in latent form. We examined which cell type in both normal and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)‐induced fibrotic rat liver bears surface type II IGF/mannose 6‐phosphate (IGF‐II/M6P) receptor, known to facilitate activation of TGF‐β.

Glucagon effect on intracellular proteolysis and pericanalicular location of hepatocyte lysosomes in isolated perfused guinea pig livers

Romana Lenzen, Peter Stark, Viktoria Kolb‐Bachofen, Georg Strohmeyer – 1 May 1995 – In guinea pigs, glucagon choleresis is accompanied by a significant, but transient, stimulation of biliary protein secretion, which can be accounted for mainly by biliary discharge of lysosomal enzymes.

Serum cholestanol, cholesterol precursors, and plant sterols during placebo‐controlled treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis with ursodeoxycholic acid or colchicine

Tatu A. Miettinend, Martti Färkkilä, Matti Vuoristo, Anna‐Liisa Karvonen, Rauli Leino, Juhani Lehtola, Claes Friman, Kari Seppälä, Juhani Tuominen – 1 May 1995 – A randomized placebo‐controlled 2‐year study was performed in 69 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) on serum lipids during ursodeoxycholic acid (URSO) and colchicine treatments.

Cerebral edema and intracranial pressure monitoring

Juan Cordoba, Andres T. Blei – 1 May 1995 – With the wide acceptance of liver transplantation as a therapeutic alternative in fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), the successful management of patients with this syndrome has acquired a new urgency. Topping the list of medical problems is the development of brain swelling. Two decades after the recognition of its importance,1 brain edema and intracranial hypertension still constitute a major cause of death in these patients.

Progression of subcellular changes during chemical hypoxia to cultured rat hepatocytes: A laser scanning confocal microscopic study

George Zahrebelski, Anna‐Liisa Nieminen, Kristin Al‐Ghoul, Ting Qian, Brian Herman, John J. Lemasters – 1 May 1995 – The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the subcellular organelles of cultured hepatocytes by laser scanning confocal microscopy during chemical hypoxia with cyanide and iodoacetate, inhibitors of mitochon‐drial respiration and glycolysis, respectively.

Different features of ca2+ oscillations in differentiated and undifferentiated hepatocyte doublets

Tsuneo Kitamura, Sumio Watanabe, Ken‐Ichi Ikejima, Miyoko Hirose, Akihisa Miyazaki, Atsuko Yumoto, Satoko Suzuki, Toshio Yamada, Noriyuki Kitami, Nobuhiro Sato – 1 May 1995 – Cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) oscillations are postulated to play a critical role in cellular proliferation. By using doublets of normal rats (NR) and those 18 hours after two‐thirds hepatectomy (PHR), we investigated cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) responses in liver regeneration. Normal rat hepatocyte doublets that retain their bile canaliculi are polarized and well differentiated.

Which is the best surgery for budd‐chiari syndrome: Venous decompression or liver transplantation? a single‐center experience with 50 patients

Burckhardt Ringe, Hauke Lang, Karl‐Jürgen Oldhafer, Michael Gebel, Peer Flemming, Axel Georgii, Hans‐Georg Borst, Rudolf Pichlmayr – 1 May 1995 – The optimal treatment of Budd‐Chiari syndrome (BCS) remains an open question. It is still a matter of controversial discussion whether venous decompression or liver transplantation is superior. To elucidate the role and prognosis of both surgical options in our own experience, a consecutive series of 50 patients treated between 1981 and 1993 was retrospectively analyzed.

Sclerotherapy plus octreotide versus sclerotherapy alone in the prevention of early rebleeding from esophageal varices: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, multicenter trial

Massimo Pkimignani, Bruno Andreoni, Luca Carpinelli, Alfonso Capria, Gabriele Rocchi, Ivano Lorenzini, Carlo Staudacher, Luigi Beretta, Roberta Motta, Roberto DeFranchis – 1 May 1995 – Because of its ability to decrease portal pressure, azygos blood flow, and postprandial splanchnic hyperemia, octreotide administration could be effective in reducing early rebleeding in patients undergoing endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy (EVS). We report the results of a trial comparing EVS + octreotide versus EVS alone.

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