Translocation of different forms of transferrin from blood to bile in the rat

Erwin Regoeczi, Paul A. Chindemi – 1 April 1995 – Five different forms of transferrin (rat apo [iron‐free], rat diferric, diferric rat asialo, human diferric, and diferric human asialotransferrin type 3) were used to monitor the passage of this protein and its metal to the bile. Cumulative biliary excretion of the dose over 3 hours was determined. In addition, an excretion profile was constructed from the concentration of tracer in bile samples collected over 10‐minute intervals.

Response of plasma and tissue endothelin‐1 to liver ischemia and its implication in ischemia‐reperfusion injury

Eisuke Kawamura, Naoki Yamanaka, Eizo Okamoto, Fumihito Tomoda, Kazutaka Furukawa – 1 April 1995 – This study was designed to investigate the changes in plasma and tissue endothelin‐1/endothelin‐2 (ET) after liver ischemia and to assess the protective effect of anti‐ET 1/ET 2 monoclonal antibody (ET antibody) against ischemia‐reperfusion injury. The ET levels in the liver tissue, hepatic venous blood of the ischemic and non‐ischemic sides, and in the portal venous blood were measured before and after partial liver ischemia for 1 hour in the adult dog.

Utilization of tyrosine‐containing dipeptides and N‐acetyl‐tyrosine in hepatic failure

Wilfred Druml, Wolfgang Hübl, Erich Roth, Herbert Lochs – 1 April 1995 – The impact of hepatic dysfunction on the elimination and hydrolysis of three potential tyrosine sources for total parenteral nutrition, the dipeptides L‐alanyl‐L‐tyrosine (Ala‐Tyr) and glycyl‐L‐tyrosine (Gly‐Tyr), and N‐acetyl‐L‐tyrosine (Nac‐Tyr) were evaluated in six patients with hepatic failure (five chronic, one acute) and seven healthy subjects. In controls, whole‐body clearance (Cltot) of Ala‐Tyr was higher than of Gly‐Tyr (3,169 ± 214 vs.

Hepatitis C virus RNA and liver histology in blood donors reactive to a single antigen by second‐generation recombinant immunoblot assay

Alberto Zanella, Dario Conte, Daniele Prati, Fulvio Mozzi, Carmen Capelli, Francesco Zanuso, Mirella Fraquelli, Patrizia Bosoni, Luciana Vianello, Marco Pappalettera, Pietro Velio, Glanguido Montagnolo, Paolo A. Bianchi, Girolamo Sirchia – 1 April 1995 – The clinical significance of single band reactivity (indeterminate pattern) at anti‐hepatitis C virus (HCV) second‐generation recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA‐2) was investigated in symptomless subjects with normal liver function tests to obtain data for their counseling and clinical management.

Ethane exhalation and vitamin E/ubiquinol status as markers of lipid peroxidation in ferrocene iron—loaded rats

Bernd Dresow, Claudia Albert, Inge Zimmermann, Peter Nielsen – 1 April 1995 – Organ damage caused by iron overload has been mostly attributed to iron‐induced peroxidation of membrane lipids. Using the ferrocene iron—loaded rat model, we studied ethane exhalation as a direct marker of in vivo lipid peroxidation, as well as concentrations of α‐tocopherol and ubiquinol 9/10 in liver and plasma as indirect markers of this process. The feeding of a diet enriched with 0.5% TMH‐ferrocene up to 31 weeks resulted in a large increase in liver iron concentration to about 25 mg/g wet weight (w wt).

Alteration of Na+ homeostasis as a critical step in the development of irreversible hepatocyte injury after adenosine triphosphate depletion

Rita Carini, Giorgio Bellomo, Angelo Benedetti, Rosella Fulceri, Alessandra Gamberucci, Maurizio Parola, Mario U. Dianzani, Emanuele Albano – 1 April 1995 – The exposure of isolated hepatocytes to the redox‐cycling quinone menadione caused an early loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) depletion, and decreased intracellular pH. These alterations were followed by an increase in intracellular Na+ and, ultimately, cell death.

Biliary copper excretion in the neonatal rat: Role of glutathione and metallothionein

Parvathi Mohan, Mark Failla, Ian Bremner, Ann Arthur‐Smith, Benny Kerzner – 1 April 1995 – Metallothionein (MT) and glutathione (GSH) have been implicated as two major copper‐binding agents involved in the hepatobiliary copper metabolism in the adult rat. This study was designed to explore their potential role in facilitating copper export from the copper‐laden hepatocyte of the newborn rat. Biliary and hepatic copper, GSH, and immunoreactive MT‐I concentrations were measured in Sprague‐Dawley rats at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 weeks of age.

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