Evolving Role of Liver Transplantation in Elderly Recipients

Omar Y. Mousa, Justin H. Nguyen, Yaohua Ma, Bhupendra Rawal, Kaitlyn R. Musto, Marjorie K. Dougherty, Jefree A. Shalev, Denise M. Harnois – 24 June 2019 – The need for liver transplantation (LT) among older patients is increasing, but the role of LT in the elderly (≥70 years) is not well defined. We retrospectively reviewed all primary LTs from 1998 through 2016 at our center. Survival and associated risk factors were analyzed with Cox regression and Kaplan‐Meier methods for LT recipients in 3 age groups: <60, 60‐69, and ≥70 years.

The Role of Senescence in the Development of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Progression to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

Alkistis‐Maria Papatheodoridi, Lampros Chrysavgis, Michael Koutsilieris, Antonios Chatzigeorgiou – 23 June 2019 – In recent years, cellular senescence has generated a lot of interest among researchers because of its involvement in both the normal aging process and common human diseases. During senescence, cells undergo alterations that include telomere shortening, nuclear area enlargement, and genomic and mitochondrial DNA damage, leading to irreversible cell cycle arrest, and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.

Intestinal Fungal Dysbiosis and Systemic Immune Response to Fungi in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis

Sonja Lang, Yi Duan, Jinyuan Liu, Manolito G. Torralba, Claire Kuelbs, Meritxell Ventura‐Cots, Juan G. Abraldes, Francisco Bosques‐Padilla, Elizabeth C. Verna, Robert S. Brown, Victor Vargas, Jose Altamirano, Juan Caballería, Debbie Shawcross, Michael R. Lucey, Alexandre Louvet, Philippe Mathurin, Guadalupe Garcia‐Tsao, Samuel B. Ho, Xin M. Tu, Ramon Bataller, Peter Stärkel, Derrick E.

Chronic Hepatitis B Prevalence Among Foreign‐Born and U.S.‐Born Adults in the United States, 1999‐2016

Michael H. Le, Yee Hui Yeo, Ramsey Cheung, Linda Henry, Anna S. Lok, Mindie H. Nguyen – 22 June 2019 – Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major global health problem, exacerbated by poor linkage to care. We aimed to determine the prevalence of HBV infection, exposure, self‐reported vaccination, vaccine‐induced immunity, disease awareness, and treatment in the United States by birthplace and race/ethnicity during 1999‐2016.

Evaluating Noninvasive Markers to Identify Advanced Fibrosis by Liver Biopsy in HBV/HIV Co‐infected Adults

Richard K. Sterling, Wendy C. King, Abdus S. Wahed, David E. Kleiner, Mandana Khalili, Mark Sulkowski, Raymond T. Chung, Mamta K. Jain, Mauricio Lisker‐Melman, David K. Wong, Marc G. Ghany, the HIV‐HBV Cohort Study of the Hepatitis B Research Network – 20 June 2019 – Noninvasive biomarkers are used increasingly to assess fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease.

Ledipasvir‐Sofosbuvir for 12 Weeks in Children 3 to <6 Years Old With Chronic Hepatitis C

Kathleen B. Schwarz, Philip Rosenthal, Karen F. Murray, Jonathan R. Honegger, Winita Hardikar, Rosie Hague, Naveen Mittal, Benedetta Massetto, Diana M. Brainard, Chia‐Hsiang Hsueh, Jiang Shao, Bandita Parhy, Michael R. Narkewicz, Girish S. Rao, Suzanne Whitworth, Sanjay Bansal, William F. Balistreri – 20 June 2019 – For children under 12 years of age who have chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, there are currently no approved treatments with direct‐acting antiviral agents.

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