Activation of WNT/Beta‐Catenin Signaling and Regulation of the Farnesoid X Receptor/Beta‐Catenin Complex After Murine Bile Duct Ligation

Rong Zhang, Toshimasa Nakao, Jing Luo, Yuhua Xue, Pamela Cornuet, Michael Oertel, Karis Kosar, Sucha Singh, Kari Nejak‐Bowen – 14 October 2019 – We have recently shown that loss of β‐catenin prevents the development of cholestatic liver injury and fibrosis after bile duct ligation (BDL) due to loss of the inhibitory farnesoid X receptor (FXR)/β‐catenin complex, which results in decreased hepatic bile acids (BAs) through activation of FXR.

Cure With Interferon‐Free Direct‐Acting Antiviral Is Associated With Increased Survival in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus‐Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma From Both East and West

Hansen Dang, Yee Hui Yeo, Satoshi Yasuda, Chung‐Feng Huang, Etsuko Iio, Charles Landis, Dae Won Jun, Masaru Enomoto, Eiichi Ogawa, Pei‐Chien Tsai, An Le, Matthew Liu, Mayumi Maeda, Brian Nguyen, Nathan Ramrakhiani, Linda Henry, Ramsey Cheung, Akihiro Tamori, Takashi Kumada, Yasuhito Tanaka, Ming‐Lung Yu, Hidenori Toyoda, Mindie H. Nguyen – 14 October 2019

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis After Liver Transplantation

Thomas G. Cotter, Michael Charlton – 14 October 2019 – Currently, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the second leading indication for liver transplantation (LT), behind alcohol‐related liver disease. After transplant, both recurrent and de novo nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are common; however, recurrence rates of NASH and advanced fibrosis are low. Identification of high‐risk groups and optimizing treatment of metabolic comorbidities both before and after LT is paramount to maintaining a healthy allograft, especially with the additional consequences of longterm immunosuppression.

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