Grace Lai‐Hung Wong, Vincent Wai‐Sun Wong – 26 October 2019
Grace Lai‐Hung Wong, Vincent Wai‐Sun Wong – 26 October 2019
Sumeet K. Asrani – 25 October 2019
Patients with ALD and alcohol-related acute hepatitis (AH) have two diseases of liver failure with complications and of alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD). Clearly, these patients need at least two or may be more specialists as basis for integrated and effective management and improved outcomes of this disorder. We will utilize a live webinar format that will be recorded for on-demand viewing on Liver Learning ® .Ashwani K. Singal Ashwani K.
Marianne Martinello, Chloe Orkin, Graham Cooke, Sanjay Bhagani, Edward Gane, Ranjababu Kulasegaram, David Shaw, Elise Tu, Kathy Petoumenos, Philippa Marks, Jason Grebely, Gregory J. Dore, Mark Nelson, Gail V. Matthews – 24 October 2019
Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Arvinder Singh Soin – 23 October 2019
Qiang Liu, Ahmed Hassan, Daniele Pezzati, Basem Soliman, Laura Lomaglio, Patrick Grady, Laurent Del Angel Diaz, Andrea Simioni, Shana Maikhor, John Etterling, Giuseppe D’Amico, Giuseppe Iuppa, Teresa Diago Uso, Koji Hashimoto, Federico Aucejo, Masato Fujiki, Bijan Eghtesad, Kazunari Sasaki, Choon Hyuck David Kwon, Jacek Cywinski, Samuel Irefin, Ana Bennett, William Baldwin, Charles Miller, Cristiano Quintini – 23 October 2019 – The primary aim of this single‐center, phase 1 exploratory study was to investigate the safety, feasibility, and impact on intrahepatic hemodynamics of a fresh froze
Takehiro Fujii, Sergio Duarte, Eudora Lee, Bibo Ke, Ronald W. Busuttil, Ana J. Coito – 22 October 2019 – Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP) 3 is a naturally occurring inhibitor of a broad range of proteases, with key roles in extracellular matrix turnover and in the pathogenesis of various diseases. In this study, we investigated the response of mice lacking TIMP3 (TIMP3−/−) to hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI).
Faouzi Saliba, Christophe Duvoux, Sébastien Dharancy, Jérôme Dumortier, Yvon Calmus, Jean Gugenheim, Nassim Kamar, Ephrem Salamé, Martine Neau‐Cransac, Claire Vanlemmens, François Durand, Georges Pageaux, Vincent Leroy, Jean Hardwigsen, Hakam Gharbi, Cécile Masson, Malka Tindel, Filomena Conti – 21 October 2019 – The observational CERTITUDE study follows liver transplant patients who completed the SIMCER trial.
Sumera Rizvi, Gregory J. Gores – 20 October 2019