The risk of hepatitis B transmission from health care workers to patients in a hospital setting—A prospective study

Douglas R. Labrecque, Joan M. Muhs, Larry I. Lutwick, Robert F. Woolson, Walter R. Hierholzer – 1 March 1986 – A prospective study was designed to determine the risk of hepatitis B transmission from health care deliverers to patients in the hospital setting. Six chronic carriers of hepatitis B were identified: 2 surgeons, 1 dialysis nurse, 1 pediatric ICU nurse, 1 pharmacist and 1 orderly. Three of the six were HBeAg‐positive. Two of the HBeAG‐positive chronic carriers also had circulating hepatitis B virus DNA and accounted for approximately two‐thirds of the total patient contacts.

Products of the “x” gene in hepatitis B and related viruses

Mark A. Feitelson – 1 March 1986 – The X region in hepatitis B virus DNA potentially encodes a polypeptide 154 amino acids in length. Two synthetic peptides spanning residues 100 to 115 (peptide 99) and 115 to 131 (peptide 100) in a hydrophilic domain within the carboxy terminal third of theproposed gene product were made and used to raise peptide antisera in rabbits.

Elevated serum aminotransferase induced by isoniazid in relation to isoniazid acetylator phenotype

Tetsuo Yamamoto, Takeaki Suou, Chisato Hirayama – 1 March 1986 – Of 143 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis receiving isoniazid therapy, 52 (36%) had a transient elevation in serum aminotransferases. Among 74 patients taking isoniazid, rifampicin and streptomycin, 35 (47%) had such an increase, while of 69 patients taking isoniazid, amino‐salicylic acid and streptomycin, 17 (24%) did; this difference was significant. Isoniazid therapy could be continued in all patients with the abnormal test results.

Cell types involved in collagen and fibronectin production in normal and fibrotic human liver

Bruno Clement, Jean‐Alexis Grimaud, Jean‐Pierre Campion, Yves Deugnier, Andre Guillouzo – 1 March 1986 – Three collagen types (I, III and IV) and fibronectin were localized in normal and alcoholic human liver by light and electron microscopy using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. In normal liver, most of the bundles of collagen fibers stained for type pro‐III collagen while only a few reacted for type I. Basement membranes stainedfor type IV collagen which formed discontinuous discrete deposits in sinusoids.

Biological significance of enhanced mitochondrial membrane potential in regenerating liver

Tomohiko Nishihira, Junji Tanaka, Kastuhide Nishikawa, Akira Jikko, Yoshiro Taki, Taisuke Morimoto, Kenji Koizumi, Yasuo Kamiyama, Kazue Ozawa, Takayoshi Tobe – 1 March 1986 – Liver mitochondrial membrane potential was assessed during regeneration following partial hepatectomy in rabbits. Absorbance change of safranine O per milligram of mitochondrial protein was used to evaluate mitochondrial membrane potential. Absorbance change was calibrated to the membrane potential in millivolts produced by valinomycin‐induced potassium diffusion potential.

From Australia to Chinchilla to Jamaica

Michael M. Thaler – 1 March 1986 – A general impairment of liver mitochondrial enzymes is central to Reye's syndrome (RS). The respiration of isolated liver mitochondria was measured after the addition of concentrated normal serum or RS serum derived from 12 patients. RS serum stimulates oxygen consumption in isolated rat liver mitochondria. This effect is due to (a) the oxidation of uric acid by peroxisomes contaminating the preparation and (b) a stimulation of mitochondrial respiration (1.05 ± 0.14 nmole of O2/ min · mg of protein; control 0.30 ± 0.08 nmole O2/min · mg).

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