Ultrastructural immunocytochemical analysis of lymphocytes infiltrating bile duct epithelia in primary biliary cirrhosis
Gotaro Yamada, Ichinosuke Hyodo, Kazuo Tobe, Motowo Mizuno, Takashi Nishihara, Toshinari Kobayashi, Hideo Nagashima – 1 May 1986 – Subpopulations of lymphocytes in portal areas, especially infiltrating bile duct epithelia were analyzed by light and electron microscopy using indirect peroxidaselabeled antibody method and monoclonal antibodies against pan‐T (Leu 1), cytotoxic/suppressor T (Leu 2a), helper/inducer T (Leu 3a) and natural killer/K (Leu 7) and suppressor T (Leu 15) cells in liver biopsy specimens from four patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.