Serum bile acids as a prognostic biomarker in biliary atresia following Kasai portoenterostomy

Sanjiv Harpavat, Kieran Hawthorne, Kenneth D. R. Setchell, Monica Narvaez Rivas, Lisa Henn, Charlotte A. Beil, Saul J. Karpen, Vicky L. Ng, Estella M. Alonso, Jorge A. Bezerra, Stephen L. Guthery, Simon Horslen, Kathy M. Loomes, Patrick McKiernan, John C. Magee, Robert M. Merion, Jean P. Molleston, Philip Rosenthal, Richard J. Thompson, Kasper S. Wang, Ronald J. Sokol, Benjamin L. Shneider, for Childhood Liver Disease Research Network (ChiLDReN) – 20 September 2022

Fatty liver disease reverses the obesity paradox in chronic kidney disease stages 3–5: A follow‐up study of NHANES III

Jiaofeng Huang, Min Zhang, Yinlian Wu, Mingfang Wang, Yueyong Zhu, Su Lin – 19 September 2022 – High body mass index (BMI) has been associated with better survival in patients with end‐stage kidney disease. Individuals with fatty liver disease (FLD) have a higher risk of chronic kidney disease. It remains unclear whether the survival benefit of high BMI in patients with chronic kidney disease is present when there is concomitant FLD. This study used the data set from the Third American National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the corresponding survival data.

Diagnostic and prognostic performance of urinary neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin in patients with cirrhosis and acute kidney injury

Carmine Gambino, Salvatore Piano, Matteo Stenico, Marta Tonon, Alessandra Brocca, Valeria Calvino, Simone Incicco, Nicola Zeni, Roberta Gagliardi, Chiara Cosma, Martina Zaninotto, Patrizia Burra, Umberto Cillo, Daniela Basso, Paolo Angeli – 19 September 2022

Viability assessment and transplantation of fatty liver grafts using end‐ischemic normothermic machine perfusion

Damiano Patrono, Riccardo De Carlis, Alessandro Gambella, Francesca Farnesi, Alice Podestà, Andrea Lauterio, Francesco Tandoi, Luciano De Carlis, Renato Romagnoli – 18 September 2022 – End‐ischemic viability testing by normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) represents an effective strategy to recover liver grafts having initially been discarded for liver transplantation (LT). However, its results in the setting of significant (≥30%) macrovesicular steatosis (MaS) have not been specifically assessed.

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