Hepatitis B: Optimizing Diagnosis and Management to Achieve Elimination
To meet the WHO's goal of eliminating chronic hepatitis B by 2030, healthcare professionals, such as general practitioners and allied health professionals, must optimize the cascade of diagnosis and care. They play a key role in expanding treatment criter
Clinical Research Workshop, Innovations in Clinical Studies or Clinical Trials for Liver Diseases, Part 2D
Breakout D: Rare Diseases (Pediatric + Others)
Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Fibrosis
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into diagnosis and treatment of liver disease is a widely discussed topic of relevance for clinical trials and future drug development. Attendees will learn a basic understanding of AI approaches in liver di
AASLD / ILTS Transplant Course: Future Frontiers in Liver Transplantation
Part 4: The Next Phase for Liver Transplantation
AASLD / ILTS Transplant Course: Future Frontiers in Liver Transplantation
Part 1: Cutting edge in Liver Transplantation
The Gritty Ascent to Leadership for Women in GI
This session will feature a keynote address from Dr. Andrea Reid, Associate Dean for Student and Multicultural Affairs Program at Harvard Medical School and Hepatology Faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital. She will share her experience in overcoming
Overcoming Inequalities in Health to Eliminate Hepatitis
Inequities in access to preventative measures, diagnostics and therapeutics in different parts of the world - and in different sectors of the society - impede efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis. This session will feature four talks that will summarize p
Hans Popper State of the Art: Next Generation Human Liver Gene Therapy
Presenter: Holger Willenbring, MD, PhD
Human liver gene therapy with AAV vectors has reached a pivotal stage, marked by the first FDA approval but also fatalities from liver toxicity. Realizing its potential requires transducing hepatocytes or other ther