Changes in natural killer cells and exhausted memory regulatory T Cells with corticosteroid therapy in acute autoimmune hepatitis

Hannah C. Jeffery, Manjit K. Braitch, Chris Bagnall, James Hodson, Louisa E. Jeffery, Rebecca E. Wawman, Lin Lee Wong, Jane Birtwistle, Helen Bartlett, Ansgar W. Lohse, Gideon M. Hirschfield, Jessica Dyson, David Jones, Stefan G. Hubscher, Paul Klenerman, David H. Adams, Ye H. Oo – 26 February 2018 – Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an immune‐mediated liver disease currently treated by immunosuppressive medications with significant side effects. Thus, novel mechanistic treatments are greatly needed.

Cold ischemia time is an important risk factor for post–liver transplant prolonged length of stay

Evelyn T. Pan, Dor Yoeli, N. Thao N. Galvan, Michael L. Kueht, Ronald T. Cotton, Christine A. O'Mahony, John A. Goss, Abbas Rana – 24 February 2018 – Risk analysis of cold ischemia time (CIT) in liver transplantation has largely focused on patient and graft survival. Posttransplant length of stay is a sensitive marker of morbidity and cost. We hypothesize that CIT is a risk factor for posttransplant prolonged length of stay (PLOS) and aim to conduct an hour‐by‐hour analysis of CIT and PLOS.

Direct‐acting antivirals do not increase the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after local‐regional therapy or liver transplant waitlist dropout

Annsa C. Huang, Neil Mehta, Jennifer L. Dodge, Francis Y. Yao, Norah A. Terrault – 24 February 2018 – Whether direct‐acting antivirals (DAAs) increase the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after tumor‐directed therapy is controversial. We sought to determine the impact of DAA therapy on HCC recurrence after local‐regional therapy (LRT) and waitlist dropout among liver transplant (LT) candidates with HCC. We performed a retrospective cohort study of 149 LT candidates with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HCC at a single center from 2014 through 2016.

Fibroblast growth factor 21 is an early predictor of acute‐on‐chronic liver failure in critically ill patients with cirrhosis

Astrid Ruiz‐Margáin, Alessandra Pohlmann, Patrick Ryan, Robert Schierwagen, Luis A. Chi‐Cervera, Christian Jansen, Osvely Mendez‐Guerrero, Nayelli C. Flores‐García, Jennifer Lehmann, Aldo Torre, Ricardo Ulises Macías‐Rodríguez, Jonel Trebicka – 24 February 2018 – Acute‐on‐chronic liver failure (ACLF) develops in acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis and shows high mortality. In critically ill patients, early diagnosis of ACLF could be important for therapeutic decisions (eg, renal replacement, artificial liver support, liver transplantation).

Impact of a first study of early transplantation in acute alcoholic hepatitis: Results of a nationwide survey in french liver transplantation programs

Teresa Maria Antonini, Olivier Guillaud, Jérôme Dumortier, Sébastien Dharancy, Faouzi Saliba, Philippe Mathurin, Jean‐Charles Duclos‐Vallée, Christophe Duvoux, for Groupe de Recherche Français en Greffe de Foie (GReF2) – 24 February 2018

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