Lusutrombopag for the Treatment of Thrombocytopenia in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease Undergoing Invasive Procedures (L‐PLUS 2)

Markus Peck‐Radosavljevic, Krzysztof Simon, Angelo Iacobellis, Tarek Hassanein, Zeid Kayali, Albert Tran, Mihaly Makara, Ziv Ben Ari, Marius Braun, Paul Mitrut, Sheng‐Shun Yang, Meral Akdogan, Mario Pirisi, Ajay Duggal, Toshimitsu Ochiai, Tomoko Motomiya, Takeshi Kano, Tsutae Nagata, Nezam Afdhal – 14 February 2019 – Thrombocytopenia may be associated with increased bleeding risk impacting timing and outcome of invasive procedures in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD).

Telomerase Variants in Patients with Cirrhosis Awaiting Liver Transplantation

Victor Chiu, Rachel Hogen, Linda Sher, Niquelle Wadé, David Conti, Anastasia Martynova, Hongtao Li, Gangning Liang, Casey O'Connell – 14 February 2019 – Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences that protect the ends of linear chromosomes, and they are maintained by a ribonucleoprotein complex called telomerase. Variants in genes encoding for telomerase components have been associated with a spectrum of disease in the lung, skin, bone marrow, and liver.

Current Knowledge, Barriers to Implementation, and Future Directions in Palliative Care for End‐Stage Liver Disease

Zachary P. Fricker, Marina Serper – 13 February 2019 – End‐stage liver disease (ESLD) is associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality as well as symptom burden. Despite this, the rate of consultation with palliative care (PC) providers remains low, and invasive procedures near the end of life are commonplace. Studies show that involvement of PC providers improves patient satisfaction, and evidence from other chronic diseases demonstrates reduced costs of care and potentially increased survival.

Recessive Mutations in KIF12 Cause High Gamma‐Glutamyltransferase Cholestasis

Aysel Ünlüsoy Aksu, Subhash K. Das, Carol Nelson‐Williams, Dhanpat Jain, Ferda Özbay Hoşnut, Gülseren Evirgen Şahin, Richard P. Lifton, Silvia Vilarinho – 13 February 2019 – Undiagnosed liver disease remains an unmet medical need in pediatric hepatology, including children with high gamma‐glutamyltransferase (GGT) cholestasis. Here, we report whole‐exome sequencing of germline DNA from 2 unrelated children, both offspring of consanguineous union, with neonatal cholestasis and high GGT of unclear etiology.

Evolving Trends in Liver Transplant for Metabolic Liver Disease in the United States

Patrick J. McKiernan, Armando Ganoza, James E. Squires, Robert H. Squires, Jerry Vockley, George Mazariegos, Kyle Soltys, Qing Sun, Rakesh Sindhi – 12 February 2019 – Indications for liver transplantation (LT) in metabolic disease are evolving. We reviewed the US experience with primary LT for metabolic disease in the Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients (October 1987 to June 2017) to determine the following: temporal changes in indications, longterm outcomes, and factors predicting survival.

Hepatic Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 Alleviates Liver Steatosis and Metabolic Disorder by Transcriptionally Suppressing Peroxisome Proliferator‐Activated Receptor γ in Mice

Jingjing Tong, Cui‐Juan Han, Jia‐Zhen Zhang, Wen‐Zhi He, Guo‐Jun Zhao, Xu Cheng, Lei Zhang, Ke‐Qiong Deng, Ye Liu, Hui‐Fen Fan, Song Tian, Jingjing Cai, Zan Huang, Zhi‐Gang She, Peng Zhang, Hongliang Li – 12 February 2019 – Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become a worldwide epidemic. A large and growing unmet therapeutic need has inspired numerous studies in the field.

Body Image in Liver Transplantation Recipients

Paula C. Zimbrean, Geliang Gan, Yanhong Deng, Sukru Emre – 11 February 2019 – Body image (BI) concerns have been reported to play a significant role in the psychological adaptation after organ transplantation. There is a paucity of data about BI beliefs in liver transplant recipients. We report the results of a cross‐sectional study of 177 liver transplant recipients for whom we assessed BI, anxiety, depression, and quality of life (QOL) using validated instruments. Our results indicate that higher BI concerns correlated with higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Relationship Between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Susceptibility Genes and Coronary Artery Disease

Martijn C.G.J. Brouwers, Nynke Simons, Coen D.A. Stehouwer, Ger H. Koek, Nicolaas C. Schaper, Aaron Isaacs – 11 February 2019 – Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the principal cause of death in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether NAFLD is causally involved in the pathogenesis of CAD.

High Burden of Subclinical Cardiovascular Target Organ Damage After Pediatric Liver Transplantation

Nima Memaran, Bianca Borchert‐Mörlins, Bernhard M. W. Schmidt, Rizky I. Sugianto, Hannes Wilke, Ricarda Blöte, Ulrich Baumann, Elena Bauer, Anika von Wick, Norman Junge, Christoph Leiskau, Eva D. Pfister, Daniela Thurn‐Valsassina, Nicolas Richter, Imeke Goldschmidt, Anette Melk – 11 February 2019 – Cardiovascular (CV) events account for 8%‐13% of deaths after liver transplantation (LT) in adulthood. Although CV risk factors (RFs) are present, little is known about the prevalence of subclinical CV target organ damage (TOD) in children after LT.

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