Delayed Sleeve Gastrectomy Following Liver Transplantation: A 5‐Year Experience

Mackenzie C. Morris, Andrew D. Jung, Young Kim, Tiffany C. Lee, Tiffany E. Kaiser, Jonathan R. Thompson, Khurram Bari, Shimul A. Shah, Robert M. Cohen, Daniel P. Schauer, Eric P. Smith, Tayyab S. Diwan – 13 September 2019 – Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States over the past decade, and recent studies have shown this trend in the liver transplantation (LT) population. These patients may be candidates for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) to promote significant and sustained weight loss to prevent recurrence of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Highly Elevated Plasma γ‐Glutamyltransferase Elevations: A Trait Caused by γ‐Glutamyltransferase 1 Transmembrane Mutations

Alessandro Grandi, Maria Franzini, Štefan Rosipal, Rastislav Rosipal, Marianna Debreova, Alessandro Corti, Elisabeth Ruetzler‐Dichtl, Sabine Scholl‐Bürgi, Aldo Paolicchi, Alfonso Pompella, Michele Emdin, Germano Zampa, Heiko Witt, Heinz Zoller, Herbert Tilg, Ertan Mayatepek, Diran Herebian, Peter P. Pramstaller, Thomas Müller, Andreas R. Janecke – 13 September 2019

Protective Effect of SMAD‐Specific E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 1 in Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice

Jan Petrasek, Denisa Erhartova, Beth Levine – 12 September 2019 – Excessive accumulation of lipids in the liver is crucial in the pathogenesis of alcoholic steatohepatitis and may be partly mediated by impaired degradation of lipid droplets by autophagy. The E3 ubiquitin ligase SMAD‐specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 (SMURF1) regulates selective autophagy by ubiquitinating proteins on cargo destined for autophagic delivery to the lysosome for degradation. Here, we evaluated the role of SMURF1 in the regulation of hepatic lipid degradation in alcoholic steatohepatitis.

EXPLORE: A Prospective, Multinational, Natural History Study of Patients with Acute Hepatic Porphyria with Recurrent Attacks

Laurent Gouya, Paolo Ventura, Manisha Balwani, D. Montgomery Bissell, David C. Rees, Ulrich Stölzel, John D. Phillips, Raili Kauppinen, Janneke G. Langendonk, Robert J. Desnick, Jean‐Charles Deybach, Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Charles Parker, Hetanshi Naik, Michael Badminton, Penelope E. Stein, Elisabeth Minder, Jerzy Windyga, Radan Bruha, Maria Domenica Cappellini, Eliane Sardh, Pauline Harper, Sverre Sandberg, Aasne K. Aarsand, Janice Andersen, Félix Alegre, Aneta Ivanova, Neila Talbi, Amy Chan, William Querbes, John Ko, Craig Penz, Shangbin Liu, Tim Lin, Amy Simon, Karl E.

Cavoportal Hemitransposition in Liver Transplantation: Toward a More Safe and Efficient Technique

Jan P. Lerut, Quirino Lai, Jean Ville de Goyet – 11 September 2019 – Extended splanchnic venous thrombosis represents a challenge for the liver transplantation (LT) surgeon. In the absence of large venous tributaries, the cavoportal hemitransposition (CPHTr) and the combined liver‐intestinal or multivisceral transplantation are the only technical solutions. Because of the reported high morbidity and mortality rates due to infrequent use and a lack of standardization, the former technique has been almost abandoned by the transplant community.

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