Stathmin 1 Induces Murine Hepatocyte Proliferation and Increased Liver Mass

Enpeng Zhao, Yang Shen, Muhammad Amir, Alton B. Farris, Mark J. Czaja – 7 November 2019 – The endogenous cellular signals that initiate the transition of hepatocytes from quiescence to proliferation remain unclear. The protein stathmin 1 (STMN1) is highly expressed in dividing cells, including hepatocytes, and functions to promote cell mitosis through physical interactions with tubulin and microtubules that regulate mitotic spindle formation.

Prediction of Survival Among Patients Receiving Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Response‐Based Approach

Guohong Han, Sarah Berhane, Hidenori Toyoda, Dominik Bettinger, Omar Elshaarawy, Anthony W. H. Chan, Martha Kirstein, Cristina Mosconi, Florian Hucke, Daniel Palmer, David J. Pinato, Rohini Sharma, Diego Ottaviani, Jeong W. Jang, Tim A. Labeur, Otto M. Delden, Mario Pirisi, Nick Stern, Bruno Sangro, Tim Meyer, Waleed Fateen, Marta García‐Fiñana, Asmaa Gomaa, Imam Waked, Eman Rewisha, Guru P. Aithal, Simon Travis, Masatoshi Kudo, Alessandro Cucchetti, Markus Peck‐Radosavljevic, R.B. Takkenberg, Stephen L. Chan, Arndt Vogel, Philip J. Johnson – 7 November 2019

The Development and Outcome of Acute‐on‐Chronic Liver Failure After Surgical Interventions

Leah Maria Klein, Johannes Chang, Wenyi Gu, Steffen Manekeller, Christian Jansen, Philipp Lingohr, Michael Praktiknjo, Jörg C. Kalf, Martin Schulz, Ulrich Spengler, Christian Strassburg, Andrés Cárdenas, Vicente Arroyo, Jonel Trebicka – 6 November 2019 – Acute‐on‐chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a syndrome with high short‐term mortality. Precipitating events, including hemorrhage and infections, contribute to ACLF development, but the role of surgery remains unknown. We investigated the development of ACLF in patients with cirrhosis undergoing surgery.

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