LiverLearning®: Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Update

Discuss the current state of the ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program for gastroenterologists and transplant hepatologists at this update. Speakers will review the expense, time commitment and relevance of this program’s requirements; current MOC requirements in the program; the means to meet these requirements; progress made in addressing concerns from ABIM diplomats; and alternative pathways to board recertification.

LiverLearning®: 2019 Thomas E. Starzl Transplant Surgery State-of-the-Art Lecture: Clinical Vs Science in Personalizing Immunosuppression

Immunosuppression in the liver transplant setting includes multiple drugs aimed at predetermined trough levels, adjusted to time after transplantation. Excellent graft and patient survival supports immunosuppression, but there may be significant short- and long-term risks. At this presentation, experts will discuss clinical approaches to immunosuppression in liver transplant patients, including biomarkers used for safe personalization of this process.

LiverLearning®: Alcohol-Related Liver Diseases SIG: Emerging Therapies and Current Clinical Trials for Alcoholic Hepatitis

Review data from ongoing clinical trials for alcoholic hepatitis, explore the role of early liver transplantation and discuss the management of alcohol use disorder in patients with alcoholic hepatitis and acute on chronic liver failure. Topics covered include trial design considering standards of care and liver transplantation’s emerging role and subject recruitment challenges for clinical trials in alcoholic hepatitis.

LiverLearning®: AASLD/APASL Joint Symposium: Acute on Chronic Liver Failure

Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) is a well-recognized rapid course of liver disease that can have devastating consequences on patients. At this symposium, faculty will discuss ACLF’s common triggers and explore current perspectives of management in the context of these triggering events. Topics covered include microbiome analysis to identify high-risk patients and the role of transplantation.

LiverLearning®: 2019 Diversity Workshop: Social Innovation: Solution-based Responses to Disparities in Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee promotes health disparities research and efforts to improve health outcomes among ethnic and racial groups who carry a higher burden of liver disease. Based on positive feedback from the 2018 workshop on Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Liver Disease, this two-hour workshop reviews current programmatic efforts to eliminate disparate outcomes in liver disease and liver transplantation.

LiverLearning®: 2019 Postgraduate Course: Precision Hepatology in Clinical Practice

DESCRIPTION The practice of Hepatology is largely consultative in nature, whether evaluating outpatients referred for a variety of abnormal liver enzyme findings or diagnosing and managing critically-ill patients within a team of internists, hospitalists, residents, intensivists, and other healthcare providers. On any given day, a hepatologist will be confronted with complex patients and dizzying differential diagnoses to be methodically considered. The aim of this course is to provide insights about state-of-the-art consultative Hepatology attendees that can be applied to daily practice.

LiverLearning®: 2019 Transplant Surgery Workshop: Liver Transplantation for NASH: Optimizing Outcomes

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis has become a leading indication for liver transplantation in the United States and worldwide. At this symposium, faculty will review pre-transplant evaluation and assessment of comorbid conditions in these patients, early and long-term challenges after transplantation, patterns of recurrence of the disease and potentially preventive strategies.

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