F‐box/WD Repeat‐Containing Protein 5 Mediates the Ubiquitination of Apoptosis Signal‐Regulating Kinase 1 and Exacerbates Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice

Lan Bai, Ming‐Ming Chen, Ze‐Dong Chen, Peng Zhang, Song Tian, Yan Zhang, Xue‐Yong Zhu, Ye Liu, Zhi‐Gang She, Yan‐Xiao Ji, Hongliang Li – 31 January 2019 – Inhibition of apoptosis signal‐regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) activation has emerged as a promising target for the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Multiple forms of posttranslational modifications determine the activity of ASK1. In addition to phosphorylation, recent studies revealed that ubiquitination is essential for ASK1 activation.

Evidence for a Novel Regulatory Interaction Involving Cyclin D1, Lipid Droplets, Lipolysis, and Cell Cycle Progression in Hepatocytes

Heng Wu, Jonathan M. Ploeger, Sushama Kamarajugadda, Douglas G. Mashek, Mara T. Mashek, Juan C. Manivel, Laurie L. Shekels, Jessica L. Lapiro, Jeffrey H. Albrecht – 30 January 2019 – During normal proliferation, hepatocytes accumulate triglycerides (TGs) in lipid droplets (LDs), but the underlying mechanisms and functional significance of this steatosis are unknown. In the current study, we examined the coordinated regulation of cell cycle progression and LD accumulation. As previously shown, hepatocytes develop increased LD content after mitogen stimulation.

Hepatology Highlights

Nicholas Russo, Robert S. Brown, Shawn L. Shah, Tibor I. Krisko, Christopher S. Krumm, Hayley T. Nicholls, Omar Mousa, Harmeet Malhi, Robert E. Schwartz, Zurabi Lominadze, Russell Rosenblatt, Brett E. Fortune, Joseph F. Pisa, Arun B. Jesudian, Vikas Gupta, Zaid H. Tafesh – 29 January 2019

Hepatology Highlights

Nicholas Russo, Robert S. Brown, Shawn L. Shah, Tibor I. Krisko, Christopher S. Krumm, Hayley T. Nicholls, Omar Mousa, Harmeet Malhi, Robert E. Schwartz, Zurabi Lominadze, Russell Rosenblatt, Brett E. Fortune, Joseph F. Pisa, Arun B. Jesudian, Vikas Gupta, Zaid H. Tafesh – 29 January 2019

Keratin 23 Is a Peroxisome Proliferator‐Activated Receptor Alpha–Dependent, MYC‐Amplified Oncogene That Promotes Hepatocyte Proliferation

Donghwan Kim, Chad N. Brocker, Shogo Takahashi, Tomoki Yagai, Taehyeong Kim, Guomin Xie, Hua Wang, Aijuan Qu, Frank J. Gonzalez – 29 January 2019 – Chronic activation of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor alpha (PPARA) promotes MYC‐linked hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in mice. Recent studies have shown that MYC can function as an amplifier of transcription where MYC does not act as an “on‐off” switch for gene expression but rather accelerates transcription rates at active promoters by stimulating transcript elongation.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Pretransplant and Posttransplant Management of Cystic Fibrosis–Associated Liver Disease

A. Jay Freeman, Zachary M. Sellers, George Mazariegos, Andrea Kelly, Lisa Saiman, George Mallory, Simon C. Ling, Michael R. Narkewicz, Daniel H. Leung – 29 January 2019 – Approximately 5%‐10% of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) will develop advanced liver disease with portal hypertension, representing the third leading cause of death among patients with CF. Cystic fibrosis with advanced liver disease and portal hypertension (CFLD) represents the most significant risk to patient mortality, second only to pulmonary or lung transplant complications in patients with CF.

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