Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography Severity Predicts Disease Outcomes in Pediatric Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Reliability and Validity Study

Kedar Patil, Amanda Ricciuto, Alaa Alsharief, Jehan Al‐Rayahi, Afsaneh Amirabadi, Peter C. Church, Binita M. Kamath, Mary‐Louise C. Greer – 6 December 2019 – Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) has not been assessed as a surrogate biomarker in pediatrics. We aimed to determine the inter‐rater reliability, prognostic utility, and construct validity of the modified Majoie endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography classification applied to MRCP in a pediatric primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) cohort.

A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Integrated Alcohol Reduction Intervention in Patients With Hepatitis C Infection

Rae Jean Proeschold‐Bell, Donna M. Evon, Jia Yao, Donna Niedzwiecki, Christina Makarushka, Kelly A. Keefe, Ashwin A. Patkar, Paolo Mannelli, James C. Garbutt, John B. Wong, Julius M. Wilder, Santanu K. Datta, Terra Hodge, Susanna Naggie, Michael W. Fried, Andrew J. Muir – 5 December 2019

Associations Between Prediagnostic Concentrations of Circulating Sex Steroid Hormones and Liver Cancer Among Postmenopausal Women

Jessica L. Petrick, Andrea A. Florio, Xuehong Zhang, Anne Zeleniuch‐Jacquotte, Jean Wactawski‐Wende, Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, Frank Z. Stanczyk, Tracey G. Simon, Rashmi Sinha, Howard D. Sesso, Catherine Schairer, Lynn Rosenberg, Thomas E. Rohan, Mark P. Purdue, Julie R. Palmer, Martha S. Linet, Linda M. Liao, I‐Min Lee, Jill Koshiol, Cari M. Kitahara, Victoria A. Kirsh, Jonathan N. Hofmann, Chantal Guillemette, Barry I. Graubard, Edward Giovannucci, J. Michael Gaziano, Susan M. Gapster, Neal D. Freedman, Lawrence S. Engel, Dawn Q. Chong, Yu Chen, Andrew T. Chan, Patrick Caron, Julie E.

Pure Laparoscopic Versus Open Left Hepatectomy Including the Middle Hepatic Vein for Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Suk Kyun Hong, Kyung‐Suk Suh, Kyung Ae Kim, Jeong‐Moo Lee, Jae‐Hyung Cho, Nam‐Joon Yi, Kwang‐Woong Lee – 5 December 2019 – Pure laparoscopic donor hepatectomy (PLDH) has become increasingly accepted in the era of minimally invasive surgeries. However, the outcomes of pure laparoscopic donor left hepatectomy (PLDLH) are relatively less known than for left lateral sectionectomy or right hepatectomy. This study aimed to report our experience with and the outcomes of PLDLH including the middle hepatic vein (MHV) and to compare these outcomes with conventional donor left hepatectomy (CDLH).

Associations Between Prediagnostic Concentrations of Circulating Sex Steroid Hormones and Liver Cancer Among Postmenopausal Women

Jessica L. Petrick, Andrea A. Florio, Xuehong Zhang, Anne Zeleniuch‐Jacquotte, Jean Wactawski‐Wende, Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, Frank Z. Stanczyk, Tracey G. Simon, Rashmi Sinha, Howard D. Sesso, Catherine Schairer, Lynn Rosenberg, Thomas E. Rohan, Mark P. Purdue, Julie R. Palmer, Martha S. Linet, Linda M. Liao, I‐Min Lee, Jill Koshiol, Cari M. Kitahara, Victoria A. Kirsh, Jonathan N. Hofmann, Chantal Guillemette, Barry I. Graubard, Edward Giovannucci, J. Michael Gaziano, Susan M. Gapster, Neal D. Freedman, Lawrence S. Engel, Dawn Q. Chong, Yu Chen, Andrew T. Chan, Patrick Caron, Julie E.

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