Ordinal Outcomes Are Superior to Binary Outcomes for Designing and Evaluating Clinical Trials in Compensated Cirrhosis
Gennaro D’Amico, Juan G. Abraldes, Paola Rebora, Maria Grazia Valsecchi, Guadalupe Garcia‐Tsao – 14 December 2019
Gennaro D’Amico, Juan G. Abraldes, Paola Rebora, Maria Grazia Valsecchi, Guadalupe Garcia‐Tsao – 14 December 2019
Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Norifumi Iseda, Takeo Toshima, Mohamed Elemam Elshawy, Masaki Mori – 14 December 2019
Michelle A. Camarata, Michelle Gottfried, Jody A. Rule, Aftab Ala, William M. Lee, R. Todd Stravitz, Michael L. Schilsky – 14 December 2019 – Wilson’s disease (WD) is a rare cause of acute liver failure (ALF) that is thought to have a uniformly fatal outcome without liver transplantation (LT). Previous studies proposed diagnostic and prognostic criteria for WD‐ALF. It is not known whether these apply to WD patients presenting as severe acute liver injury (ALI) without encephalopathy.
Marie Sinclair, Brooke Chapman, Rudolf Hoermann, Peter W. Angus, Adam Testro, Thomas Scodellaro, Paul J. Gow – 13 December 2019
Max N. Brondfield, Jennifer L. Dodge, Ryutaro Hirose, Julie Heimbach, Francis Y. Yao, Neil Mehta – 13 December 2019 – For patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) listed for liver transplantation (LT), United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) enacted policy changes in 2015 to improve equity between HCC and non‐HCC patients. We evaluated the impact of these changes on regional disparities in wait‐list dropout and LT.
Maria Eugenia Guicciardi, Christy E. Trussoni, Nicholas F. LaRusso, Gregory J. Gores – 13 December 2019 – Cholangiocytes are the target of a group of chronic liver diseases termed the “cholangiopathies,” in which cholangiocytes react to exogenous and endogenous insults, leading to disease initiation and progression.
Use of cannabis is growing in the population with increased interest in potential medicinal use as well as recreational use depending on the jurisdiction. Given this, clinicians need to have an understanding about cannabis and its potential impacts on liver disease. This webinar will provide attendees information about cannabis, its major components (THC/CBD) as well as discuss potential policy implications regarding transplantation.
Christophe Bureau, Jean Pierre Vinel, Olivier Lairez – 12 December 2019
Marc G. Ghany, Timothy R. Morgan, AASLD‐IDSA Hepatitis C Guidance Panel – 9 December 2019
Marc G. Ghany, Timothy R. Morgan, AASLD‐IDSA Hepatitis C Guidance Panel – 9 December 2019