Paolo Angeli
University of Padova
2023 AASLD General Election Results
The AASLD general elections ran from Monday, September 18, 2023 to Friday, October 6th, 2023. The ballot included 1 Vacant Councilor-at-Large position, 2 Vacant Nominating Committee positions, and a bylaws amendment.
Christopher L Coe
University of California, Los Angeles
Andrew M Moon
University of North Carolina
Nikki Duong
Virginia Commonwealth University
Introduction: Welcome and overview of the workshop
Transient Elastography 101:
- What liver tissue properties are measured and how
- What are the current indications for elastography examination in clinical practice
- When is elastography examination inappropriate?
- What other tests can be used if US-based elastography is not available
- What are the options when an examination is not technically successful
- What if elastography results conflict with findings on other clinical examinations
AASLD has been partnered with TASL for the past five years in its global CONNECT program. The two societies continue to enrich their collaboration in the Community Conversation. In this session, we will address current topics in viral hepatitis including