CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis Director Carolyn Wester will discuss the on-going work at DVH and the division’s role in the White House Hepatitis C Elimination plan.

Mandates and best practices for liver transplant in alcohol-associated liver disease: is it time for regulation and national policy reform?

Alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) has surged as an indication for transplant, increasing over 5-fold in the past 20 years, and is now the #1 indication for transplant in the US. Early (i.e. without mandated period of abstinence) transplant has partly

Experts' Perspectives on Challenges and Strategies for the Future of the Alcohol-associated Liver Disease (ALD) Field

This session will bring together leading experts in the field of Alcohol-associated Liver Disease (ALD) to discuss the challenges and strategies for the future of this field. ALD remains a significant public health concern, with a rising prevalence and a

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