Indole Alleviates Diet‐Induced Hepatic Steatosis and Inflammation in a Manner Involving Myeloid Cell 6‐Phosphofructo‐2‐Kinase/Fructose‐2,6‐Biphosphatase 3

Linqiang Ma, Honggui Li, Jinbo Hu, Juan Zheng, Jing Zhou, Rachel Botchlett, Destiny Matthews, Tianshu Zeng, Lulu Chen, Xiaoqiu Xiao, Giri Athrey, David W. Threadgill, Qingsheng Li, Shannon Glaser, Heather Francis, Fanyin Meng, Qifu Li, Gianfranco Alpini, Chaodong Wu – 17 January 2020

Pregnancy in Liver Transplantation

Mussarat N. Rahim, Lisa Long, Leonie Penna, Catherine Williamson, Nikos A. Kametas, Kypros H. Nicolaides, Michael A. Heneghan – 16 January 2020 – Pregnancy after liver transplantation (LT) is increasingly common and is a frequent scenario that transplant physicians, obstetricians, and midwives encounter. This review summarizes the key issues surrounding preconception, pregnancy‐related outcomes, immunosuppression, and breastfeeding in female LT recipients.

Intraoperative Troponin Elevation in Liver Transplantation Is Independently Associated With Mortality: A Prospective Observational Study

Almudena L. Vilchez‐Monge, Ignacio Garutti, Concepción Jimeno, Matilde Zaballos, Consuelo Jimenez, Luis Olmedilla, Patricia Piñeiro, Patricia Duque, Magdalena Salcedo, Jose M. Asencio, Jose A Lopez‐Baena, Przemyslaw Maruszewski, Rafael Bañares, Jose M. Perez‐Peña – 16 January 2020 – Intraoperative factors implicated in postoperative mortality after liver transplantation (LT) are poorly understood. Because LT is a particularly demanding procedure, we hypothesized that intraoperative myocardial injury may be frequent and independently associated with early postoperative outcomes.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis With Features of Autoimmune Hepatitis: Exploring the Global Variation in Management

Piotr Milkiewicz, Marcin Krawczyk, Ewa Wunsch, Cyriel Ponsioen, Gideon M. Hirschfield, Stefan G. Hubscher – 16 January 2020 – Patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) frequently manifest features of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). We sought to understand factors affecting expert management, with the goal of facilitating uniformity of care. A Survey Monkey questionnaire with four hypothetical cases suggesting a potential AIH/PSC variant was sent to hepatologists spanning global practices. Eighty responses from clinicians in 23 countries were obtained.

Pregnancy in Liver Transplantation

Mussarat N. Rahim, Lisa Long, Leonie Penna, Catherine Williamson, Nikos A. Kametas, Kypros H. Nicolaides, Michael A. Heneghan – 16 January 2020 – Pregnancy after liver transplantation (LT) is increasingly common and is a frequent scenario that transplant physicians, obstetricians, and midwives encounter. This review summarizes the key issues surrounding preconception, pregnancy‐related outcomes, immunosuppression, and breastfeeding in female LT recipients.

Phenotypic, Transcriptional, and Functional Analysis of Liver Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Their Immunomodulatory Properties

Timucin Taner, Nitin Abrol, Walter D. Park, Michael J. Hansen, Michael P. Gustafson, Lilach O. Lerman, Andre J. Wijnen, Allan B. Dietz, Gregory J. Gores, Mark D. Stegall – 16 January 2020 – The liver is an immunologically active organ with a tolerogenic microenvironment at a quiescent state. The immunoregulatory properties of the liver appear to be retained after transplantation because liver allografts can reduce alloresponses against other organs that are simultaneously transplanted. Mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unknown.

Nursing Care of Patients With Cirrhosis: The LiverHope Nursing Project

Núria Fabrellas, Marta Carol, Ester Palacio, Marites Aban, Tommaso Lanzillotti, Gea Nicolao, Maria Teresa Chiappa, Vanessa Esnault, Sabine Graf‐Dirmeier, Jeltje Helder, Andrea Gossard, Mireia Lopez, Marta Cervera, Lacey L. Dols, the LiverHope Consortium Investigators – 16 January 2020 – Cirrhosis is a complex disease that is associated with disturbances in different organs besides the liver, including kidneys, heart, arterial circulation, lungs, gut, and brain.

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