Practice Guidelines

AASLD’s practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations and outline appropriate methods of treatment and care for clinicians. The guidelines are developed by multidisciplinary panels of experts who rate the quality (level) of the evidence and strength of each recommendation using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system or, in some unique cases, Oxford Levels of Evidence Grading. Patient representation is an important component in the development of clinical practice guidelines and is a priority for inclusion in future guideline panels.

Historically, AASLD has developed practice guidances which are put forward to help clinicians understand and implement the most recent evidence based on comprehensive review and analysis of the literature. Recently AASLD has published guidances on aspects of a topic that lacked sufficient data to perform systematic reviews or rate the quality (level) of the evidence.  While AASLD is committed to focusing on practice guidelines, the established practice guidances remain valid, essential resources for the hepatology community.

Additionally, AASLD develops quality measures to help its members measure or quantify healthcare processes and outcomes that are associated with the ability to provide high-quality health care. 

Read more about  AASLD’s historical policy for practice guidelines and guidances, learn about AASLD’s conflict of interest policy in an article excerpted from Hepatology, or review AASLD's Code for the Assessment and Management of Conflict of Interest.

Join the Largest Liver Disease Data Registry
AASLD, in collaboration with TARGET-LD, is working to fulfill the critical and unmet need for a large-scale, real-world registry covering all stages and types of chronic liver disease etiologies. Submit your site to be part of this unique initiative! Apply by Friday, April 15, and be part of the future of liver disease research and care.

Evolution of Practice Guideline Development Process

AASLD recognizes that practice guidelines are an instrumental resource for the health care community to identify, diagnose, treat, and manage care of patients with liver disease. AASLD remains committed to developing rigorous, credible, and transparent Practice Guidelines. Our practice guideline program is currently evolving to prioritize industry-accepted processes that include methodologies for levels of evidence assessment, patient representation, member input on future topics, public feedback, and diverse forms of content dissemination. Learn more about AASLD’s commitment to provide the best practice guidelines to our members and the community.

Learn More

Guidelines and Guidance by Disease

Guidelines Development

AASLD strives to review and update its practice guidelines every five (5) years, as necessary. Users are cautioned that in the interim, scientific and medical developments may supersede or invalidate, in whole or in part, specific recommendations in any guideline. A guideline is considered to be "inactive" if it has not been updated by AASLD in at least five (5) years, and for this reason particular care must be exercised in placing reliance on an inactive guideline. 

AASLD commissions and provides financial support for the formulation and production of practice guidelines/guidances by volunteer experts. Financial support from commercial entities or the pharmaceutical industry is not accepted for the development of AASLD practice guidelines. 

Quality Measures

Quality measures are a tool for providers and institutions to evaluate their care quality, drive quality improvement, and deliver high-value patient care.

View Quality Measures

Patient Guidelines

Patient Guidances are adaptations of published AASLD guidances which are written specifically for patients to help them understand their liver disease. Clinicians may also provide these patient guidances to their patients as a resource during consultations.

View Patient Guidelines

Citing Practice Guidelines and Guidances

AASLD practice guidelines and guidances are copyright protected. One copy may be accessed for personal research, scientific, scholarly or informational purposes and may be transmitted to a third-party colleague in hard copy or electronically for similar use. One figure, table or brief excerpt less than 400 words may be used in one’s scientific, scholarly and educational work with appropriate credit. 

Permission is required to reproduce more than one figure, table, or section over 400 words or complete practice guidelines and guidances for systematic redistribution. Re-sale and posting AASLD practice guidelines and guidances on other websites are not allowed; however, linking to these documents is permitted. Contact for assistance.