Public Health / Health Care Delivery
The Public Health / Health Care Delivery SIG was formed to improve the collaboration of scientists and health care professionals from a range of disciplines who share common specialized interests.
Mission statement: To bring together AASLD members with shared interests in health services research and practice, including: disease prevention and public health, access to care, population-based disease management, improving quality of health care delivery, health economics and health policy.
Goals and Objectives
Cultivate professional relationships between members with shared interests in the above topics.
Maintain a program for education of fellows and members on clinical aspects of population management and quality improvement, as well as health services research methods.
Establish a point of contact within the AASLD for partnerships with other organizations on health services topics of mutual interest. Examples include collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control on public health initiatives in liver disease, or partnership with the American Gastroenterology Association to promote liver disease quality measures via CMS/PQRS.
SIG Leadership
- Chair
- George Ioannou, MD, FAASLD
- Vice Chair
- Arpan Arun Patel, MD PhD
- Associate Lead
- Anna Marie Nobbe, MSN
- Communication Lead
- Abbey Barnard Giustini, MD, MPH
- Education Lead
- Elizabeth S Aby, MD
- Trainee Lead
- Somaya Albhaisi, MBBCH, MPH, FACP
- SIG Steering Committee Members
- Chip Bowman, MD MPH
- Alison B Jazwinski Faust, MD, MHS, FAASLD
- Mary Thomson, MD
- Kali Zhou, MD, MAS
- Staff Liaisons
- Akuender Dot, MPH
- Julie Hoffman, MBA