Hepatology Associates Committee
To improve and promote education, research, and best practices by associates in hepatology.
The Committee will:
- Oversee the development and implementation of the annual Hepatology Associates Course (held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting) to ensure the overall quality of topics, speakers, syllabi, and presentations.
- Promote research activities involving or benefiting hepatology associates.
- Promote educational activities by AASLD that benefit hepatology associates.
- Identify and submit 1 - 2 important emerging trends (clinical, research) in a focused area annually.
- Work within the budget and policies set forth by the Governing Board.
- Make policy recommendations regarding mid-level providers to the Governing Board.
The Chair will:
- Recommend special ad-hoc members to the President or President-Elect as required.
- Appoint, if necessary, committee members to serve as liaisons to similar committees in related organizations, with approval of the Governing Board.
- The chair or designee will participate as a member of the AASLD Education Committee, and Education Oversight Committee.
- Ensure proper management of the mid-level professional educational activities.
- Submit a written report of committee activities to each Governing Board meeting.
A vacancy of the chair position on the Hepatology Associates Committee due to disability, death, resignation, or other causes shall be filled for the balance of the appropriate unexpired term or to the next Annual Meeting, whichever is earlier, by presidential appointment subject to approval by the Governing Board.
Size, Term, Composition
Ten (10) hepatology associate members.
- Committee members will serve staggered three-year terms with new members appointed annually.
- The committee should strive to have expertise represented from the different practice settings (e.g., academic, government, group specialty practice, etc) and, where possible, the major fields of hepatology practice.
- The chair will serve in that capacity for three years, and may extend his/her term on the committee to a total of four to five years at the discretion of the Governing Board.
Appointment and Election
- Recommendations for member and chair appointments will be forwarded to the President-Elect by the Hepatology Associates Committee chair. Committee members will be selected by the AASLD President-Elect, with recommendations from the chair of the Hepatology Associates Committee, and the advice and consent of the Governing Board.
- The chairperson will be appointed by the AASLD President-Elect from the members who have already served a minimum of one year.
Governing Board Liaison
A liaison from the Education Committee will be appointed to the committee for the purpose of assisting in planning for the annual Hepatology Associates Course and to share information between committee members and the Education Committee.
The committee shall meet once annually, during The Liver Meeting®, and file a written report with the Governing Board following each meeting.
Work Outside Of Meetings
Conference calls when necessary.
Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with Association policy.
Relates To Goal
- Goal 1.1 Provide in-person and online education.
- Goal 2.1 Facilitate translational science continuity from basic discovery into practice, cost-effective care, and health policy.
Committee Members
- Chair
- Corrie Berk, NP, DNP, MBA
- Chair-Elect
- Jordan L. Mayberry, PA-C
- Board Liaison
- Nancy Reau, MD, FAASLD
- Emerging Liver APP
- Alison Baron
- Committee Members
- Allison Moser, MSN
- Scott Springer, PA-C, MPAS
- Laurie Larson, APRN, CNP
- James S. Park, MD, FAASLD
- Kristen Ryland, NP
- Elizabeth G. Stonesifer, MD
- Staff Liaison
- Tracy Talbot
- Associate Members
- Ashley Carney, MSN-FNP
- Anthony Derencius, MPAS, PA-C
- Kristine M. Drozd, NP
- Esther Fasanmi, PharmD