Training and Workforce Committee


To promote excellent undergraduate and postgraduate training in hepatology and to help ensure an adequate supply of clinical and research hepatologists.


Specific duties of the committee include the following:

  • Monitor hepatology manpower and training issues.
  • Enhance the career development and training of hepatology trainees.
  • Promote outstanding training opportunities for students, health professionals, and laboratory scientists to pursue clinical and basic investigation in hepatology.
  • Work with AASLD leadership, related committees, and task forces to foster a coordinated and effective approach to training and workforce issues in hepatology.
  • Make recommendations on the development of specialty boards and certificates in gastroenterology and hepatology.
  • Identify and submit 1 - 2 important emerging trends (clinical, research) in a focused area annually.
  • Oversee the development of programs related to training and career development. Interact with the course organizers to help in the design, planning, organization, and implementation.
  • Review the curriculum for the Self Evaluation Program (SEP) in Hepatology for physicians required to participate in activities for maintenance of certification in gastroenterology.

The Committee will:

Work within the budget and policies set forth by the Governing Board.

The Chair will:

  • Report regularly to the AASLD Governing Board on the status of the professional training and physician supply in hepatology.
  • Interact regularly with the AASLD President and Governing Board.
  • Submit a written report to each Governing Board meeting.
  • Serve as the AASLD representative to the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Liaison Committee on Recertification (LCR)

Size, Term, Composition

Eleven (11) members, broadly representative of the major disciplines contributing to the study and practice of hepatology.

  • Committee members will serve staggered three-year terms with new members appointed annually.
  • The chairperson will serve in that capacity for three years, and thus may extend his/her term on the committee to a total of four to five years.
  • Subcommittees or task forces may be formed by the chairperson to deal with specific issues as needed.


  • Committee members will be selected by the AASLD President-Elect, with the advice and consent of the Governing Board.
  • The chairperson will be appointed by the AASLD President-Elect from the members who have already served for one to two years.
  • Special ad hoc members can be appointed for assignment to specific tasks or subcommittees at the request of the chairperson and approval of the AASLD President.

Governing Board Liason

A Governing Board liaison will be appointed to the committee for the purpose of sharing information among committee members, the Governing Board and AASLD staff.

Reports To

  • The chairperson will present a formal report to the AASLD Governing Board on a semiannual basis, providing information on committee activities, recommendations and future plans, as well as other information specifically requested by the Board.
  • The committee will provide the Governing Board with a written summary of the committee's activities on an annual basis for inclusion in the Board minutes.


  • The committee will have regularly scheduled meetings two times yearly, two of those meetings arranged to coincide with The Liver Meeting® and Digestive Disease Week, respectively.
  • Additional meetings of the committee or its subcommittees will be scheduled in accordance with Association policy.

Work Outside of Meetings



Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with Association policy.

Relates to Goal

  • Goal 1.1 Provide in-person and online education
  • Goal 1.2 Augment workforce recruitment, mentoring, and career development activities
  • Goal 2.3 Communicate progress in hepatology and AASLD activities
  • Goal 3.3 Develop and promote quality measures for management of liver disease

Committee Members

Alexander Kuo, MD, FAASLD
Board Liaison
Oren K. Fix, MD, MSc, FAASLD
Committee Members
Bishoi Aziz, MD, MSc
Steven K. Herrine, MD, FAASLD
Nikhil Kapila, MD
Michael Lin, MD
Marlyn J. Mayo, MD, FAASLD
Ashina Deepika Singh, MD
Danielle Tholey, MD
Staff Liaison
Wendy Risso
Alexander Scherer, MD, PhD
Nancy Yang, MD
Associate Member
Susan Kang, MSN, ANP-BC
Emerging Liver APP
Alan Hutchison, MD, PhD
Amy Taylor, MD