Online Learning Committee
To develop and implement AASLD online educational activities for healthcare providers with the goals of increasing scientific knowledge and addressing professional practice gaps by improving competence and performance, thereby improving the care of patients with liver disease. This committee will define, plan, manage, review, and coordinate distance learning activities for AASLD members and non-members, including hepatologists, primary care providers, and mid-level providers.
The Committee will:
- Develop and support an online education and professional development strategic plan using the overall AASLD strategic plan as a foundation and guide.
- Consider policy issues such as licensing of online content to other organizations, intellectual property, translation, faculty reimbursement, and LiverLearning® access levels and pricing structure.
- Advise AASLD staff on the current and future educational and professional development needs of hepatologists, primary care providers, and mid-level providers in the area of hepatology. This includes:
- Topics/content
- Appropriate/effective format
- Provide oversight for the development, organization, and management of LiverLearning®, AASLD’s online eLearning portal.
- Advise in the implementation of the journals taxonomy
- Assist with optimization and maintenance of search engine – guide appropriate tagging of current and future programming content
- Evaluate current access levels and pricing structure and advise on the development of new and/revised access level and pricing structure
- Potential to lead the charge in the search for a new learning management system
- Work with AASLD staff in the design, planning, organization, and implementation of CME, CE, MOC and/or non-CME online educational and professional development programs derived from AASLD’s live educational programs and products (The Liver Meeting®, Digestive Disease Week, Special Conferences, Emerging Trends Conferences, and practice guidelines) for hepatologists, and those with either extensive or limited interest in liver diseases in both research and practice.
- Work with AASLD staff in the design, planning, organization, and implementation of CME, CE, MOC, and/or non-CME online educational and professional development programs based on original content for a variety of online audiences (hepatologists, GI specialists, but also for primary care physicians, mid-level providers), for example:
- Webinar one-offs
- Webinar series
- Video recorded interviews/talks
- Audio podcasts
- Single online on demand courses
- Instructor-led programming
- Case study activities
- Morbidity and mortality online conferences
- Multi-module curriculums
- Hybrid courses
- Online conferences
- Review and approve activity proposal forms
- Review and approve materials utilized in the production of online content to ensure that content is scientifically-based, free of bias, and that any conflict is identified and resolved.
Size, Term, Composition
Eight members comprised of current active SIG members and two members of the Hepatology Associates Committee. Committee members appointed from SIG’s will be chosen for their expertise and ability to represent the interests of two SIGs as well as their commitment to online education. Special ad hoc members may be assigned to specific topics at the request of the Chairperson and approval of the AASLD President.
The eight (8) members will include representatives from all important fields in hepatobiliary disease (hepatologists, surgeons, pediatricians, epidemiologists, and pathologists). Committee members will serve staggered 3-year terms with new members appointed annually. The Chairperson will serve in that capacity for three years, and thus may extend his/her term on the committee to a total of four to five years.
Committee members will be selected by the AASLD President, with the advice and consent of the Governing Board.
Governing Board Liaison
A Board liaison will be appointed to the committee for the purpose of sharing information between committee members, the Governing Board, and AASLD staff.
Reports To
The Chairperson shall provide a report in writing to the AASLD Governing Board on a semiannual basis providing information on Committee activities and future plans, and, request advice from the Board.
The Committee shall meet at least twice annually regarding the development of online educational materials. Conference calls will be held on an as-needed basis.
Work Outside Of Meetings
There is a great potential for growth in terms of content development for LiverLearning®. (reference list of tasks above for potential work outside of meetings)
Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with association policy.
Relates To Goal
A.1 Professional Development: provide in-person and online education
Committee Members
- Chair
- Andrew Paul Keaveny, MD, FRCPI, FAASLD
- Chair-Elect
- Renumathy Dhanasekaran, MD, PhD
- Board Liaison
- Saul J. Karpen, MD, PhD, FAASLD
- Committee Members
- Yasemin Hatice Balaban, MD
- Roshani J. Desai, MD
- Craig Lammert, MD
- Catherine Lucero, MD
- Martin W. Moehlen, MD, MPH
- Staff Liaison
- Sally Cook
- Trainee
- Catherine Mezzacappa, MD, MPH
- Associate
- Barbra A. Cave, PhD, APRN, AF-AASLD
- Patient Representatives
- Bruce Dimmig
- Angeline Nguyen, RN, BS
- Amy Trang, Ph.D.