The Liver Meeting Scientific Program Committee
To develop the scientific and educational programming for AASLD's The Liver Meeting® (TLM) annually.
The Committee will:
- Annually review and make recommendations concerning the TLM abstract form with input from the Annual Meeting Education Committee, Basic Research Committee, Clinical Research Committee, Continuing Medical Education Committee, Hepatology Associates Committee, Surgery and Liver Transplantation Committee, and Training and Workforce Committee and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
- Review and approve session proposals for all program content at TLM.
- Review submitted abstracts for inclusion in the meeting.
- Annually evaluate the abstract review process for TLM and make recommendations for improvement.
Appointment, Size, Term, Composition
- The term of the TLM Scientific Program Committee is one year begins on January 1.
- Committee Members are approved annually at the August Governing Board Meeting. The Committee chairs will be the President and Secretary. Additionally, the Committee will include the President-elect, Senior Councilor, and Chairs of the Annual Meeting Education Committee, Basic Research Committee, Clinical Research Committee, Continuing Medical Education Committee, Hepatology Associates Committee, Surgery and Liver Transplantation Committee, and Training and Workforce Committee.
- The AASLD President will also appoint one representative of the Inclusion and Diversity Committee and ensure that there is at least one pediatric hepatologist on the committee.
- The President may also appoint additional members to reflect the diversity of submitted abstracts
Governing Board Liaison
The Committee Chair will serve as the Governing Board liaison for the purpose of sharing information between committee members, the Governing Board, and staff.
Reports To
The committee reports to the Governing Board.
The Committee will meet annually in:
- January (program review and recommendations)
- July (abstract review and final program approvals)
All meetings will be held via zoom.
Work Outside of Meetings
- Review scored abstracts and provide preliminary abstract sessions prior to the Scientific Program meetings (approximately 8-10 hours per meeting).
- Participate in conference calls as appropriate. The Committee Chair coordinates and assigns review responsibilities to team leaders with the support of AASLD staff.
Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with Association policy.
Relates to Goal
- Goal 1.1 Provide in-person and online education
- Goal 4.4 Continually assess and improve AASLD products, processes, and infrastructure (Continuous Quality Improvement).
Committee Members
- Chair
- Grace L. Su, MD, FAASLD
- Committee Members
- Rotonya M. Carr, MD, FACP
- Corrie Berk, NP, DNP, MBA
- Heather L. Francis, PhD, FAASLD
- Ryutaro Hirose, MD
- Janice Jou, MD, MHS, FAASLD
- Saul J. Karpen, MD, PhD, FAASLD
- Saikiran Kilaru, MD
- Mazen Noureddin, MD, MHSc
- Heather M. Patton, MD, FAASLD
- Adnan Said, MD, MS, FAASLD
- Amy Taylor, MD
- Staff Liaisons
- Faith Oyedepo
- Laura Shelters