Journals Publications Committee


The purpose of the committee is to define, manage, and oversee the publication activities of AASLD and to provide quality publications based on member needs.


The Committee will:

  • Actively monitor the activities of the offices of the editors and the publisher and will formulate strategies for editorial office functions, production, marketing, promotion, and advertising, and explore opportunities to optimize editorial activities.
  • Ensure the successful interaction of the editor's office and the central office editorial staff.
  • Coordinate all meeting logistics through the Association's staff.
  • Work within the budget and policies set forth by the Governing Board.

The Chair will:

  • Submit a written report to the next Governing Board meeting for each committee meeting held.
  • Submit, for approval, an annual budget and work plan.
  • Annually review and recommend (if appropriate) changes to the committee's purpose and tasks.
  • Make policy recommendations to the Governing Board.

Size, Term, Composition

  • Committee members serve a staggered three-year term with three members appointed annually.
  • The chair is appointed for three years and his/her total term may not exceed five years. The chair must have previous committee experience.
  • Membership of the Journals Publications Committee should reflect the diversity of the organization and of the field within the context of the scope of the individual journals and include hepatologists, surgeons, pediatricians, and trainee representatives.

Appointment and Election

Committee members will be selected by AASLD President-Elect, with the advice and consent of the Governing Board.

Governing Board Liaison

A Board liaison will be appointed to the committee for the purpose of sharing information between committee members, the Governing Board, and staff; advising the committee, and representing the committee's recommendations to the Board.

Reports To

The Journals Publication Committee reports to the Governing Board. Written reports are submitted to each Governing Board Meeting and an annual report is presented to the membership during the Annual Meeting.


The Journals Publication Committee meets two times per year, at DDW and during the Annual Meeting.

Work Outside Of Meetings



Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with Association policy.

Relates To Goal

  • Goal 1.1 Provide in-person and online education
  • Goal 1.2 Continue to provide leadership in scientific publications and Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • Goal 3.1 Engage providers to design and deliver targeted patient care resources.
  • Goal 4.4 Continually assess and improve AASLD products, processes, and infrastructure (Continuous Quality Improvement).

Committee Members

Andrew S. DeLemos, MD
Paul Martin, MD, FAASLD
Board Liaison
Michael R. Lucey, MD, FAASLD
Committee Members
Vikas Gupta, MD, PhD
Adalberto Guzman, MD
Nadim Mahmud, MD, MS, MPH, MSCE
Eric S. Orman, MD
Vivian Ortiz, MD
Garrett Roll, MD
Anna E. Rutherford, MD
Tracey G. Simon, MD
Xiaotao Zhang, MD, PhD
Staff Liaisons
Elizabeth Durzy
Ann Haran