Industry Advancement Committee
The Foundation's Tomorrow's Cures campaign has strengthened industry relations and increased outreach to supporters through its Industry Division. Continuing the momentum of the Industry Division gives opportunity to formalize this leadership activity through the establishment of a standing committee charged with coordinating corporate fundraising.
Committee Charge
- Develop and maintain a network of key industry fundraising contacts (both physician and industry) and relationships
- Provide a base of leadership that is well-versed on the Foundation’s case for support and ready to visit with prospects via conference call and in person meetings
- Liaise with key industry contacts about the Foundation and opportunities to support hepatology through research and education
- Lead ongoing analysis of the status of supporters and prospective supporters through the cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship phases of the fundraising cycle
- Develop and execute upon annual corporate outreach plan based upon opportunities in leadership travel (The Liver Meeting, EASL, DDW, and other hepatology education events)
- Work with staff to ensure vehicles for industry collaboration are defined, including conceptualizing industry outreach events like the Industry Colloquium, Summits, and strategic briefings
- Vet Foundation support recognition / stewardship activities
Committee Member Focus And Activities
Committee members will be engaged in the following activities:
- Two face-to-face meetings annually, in addition to several Committee conference calls throughout the year, to coordinate supporter outreach, cultivation, and stewardship activities.
- Participation in donor visits (30 minutes to hour-long meetings) in conjunction with meetings where AASLD/Foundation have a presence, including The Liver Meeting, Digestive Disease Week, EASL, and single topic conferences.
- Outreach to industry and foundation contacts to strengthen and cultivate ongoing relationships, as well as involvement in the funding solicitation and stewardship processes.
- Collaborating with Chair and staff to develop corporate and foundation recognition opportunities and stewardship activities.
Committee Members
- Chair
- Robert S. Brown, Jr, MD, MPH, FAASLD
- Chair-Elect
- Paul Yien Kwo, MD, FAASLD
- Committee Members
- Nadege T. Gunn, MD
- Anthony Martinez, MD, FAASLD
- K. Gautham Reddy, MD, FAASLD
- Marina G. Silveira, MD
- Ethan M. Weinberg, MD
- Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD, FAASLD
- Staff Liaison
- Laura Gabriele