Global Outreach And Engagement Committee
To advise the AASLD Governing Board and Association staff regarding the advancement of AASLD’s global agenda and the needs of global members of AASLD. To promote productive interactions between AASLD and its international constituents through partnerships with scientific liver associations worldwide with the goal of advancing the science and practice of hepatology around the world.
To advance and disseminate the science and practice of hepatology, and to promote liver health and quality patient care globally.
To prevent and cure liver disease around the world through activities, partnerships, and support offered to the AASLD international membership and its affiliates.
Specific duties of the committee include the following:
- Provide direction for the organization’s international educational strategies and activities.
- Identify new international opportunities and collaborations (i.e. Connect, Best of TLM) with national and multi-national hepatology societies and initiate communication with the best partners.
- Develop and maintain relationships with key opinion leaders and other strategic partners throughout the world.
- Facilitate participation of international partner programs at The Liver Meeting®.
- Establish and monitor appropriate benchmarks for success for global engagement.
- Identify and plan for AASLD member participation in relevant international events, conferences, summits, and other activities (as attendees, guest lecturers, moderators, course organizers, faculty in joint symposia or joint research workshops, etc.).
- Raise awareness of the international role of AASLD.
- Work with the AASLD Special Interest Group Global Sub-committees to increase their global engagement in a way that supports the initiatives of the Global Outreach and Engagement Committee and the overall global strategy of AASLD.
- Work with the Chair of the Membership and Mentorship Committee as an advocate for AASLD membership to scientists, physicians, surgeons and other health care providers interested in liver disease in the targeted countries/regions.
- Create and maintain a committee operations manual that can serve as a reference guide for current and future committee members.
- Current members of the Committee to identify and propose the next year’s members to the nominations committee.
Size, Term, Composition
The Global Outreach and Engagement Committee will consist of 10 members and a chair (total of 11). Committee members will serve staggered three-year terms with new members appointed in sequential years.
The chair is appointed for three years and his/her term may not exceed six years. The chair must be a regular member and have international visibility as an academic leader in the field.
Committee members will follow the AASLD appointment and nomination process.
The Chair of the Global Outreach and Engagement (GOE) Committee is responsible for helping to shape and execute AASLD’s International Vison by providing direction for the organization’s international strategies and activities. The Chair will:
- Facilitate meetings of the Committee
- Prepare written reports for each Governing Board meeting
- Submit, for approval, an annual budget and work plan.
- Make policy recommendations to the Governing Board.
The Chair-Elect will serve for two years as a regular member of the committee, in their 3rd year they become the Chair-Elect and the next year they would become the Chair.
Governing Board Liaison
A liaison from the Education Committee will be appointed to the committee for the purpose of assisting in planning for the annual Hepatology Associates Course and to share information between committee members and the Education Committee.
Reports To
Reports to the Governing Board (GB). Written reports are submitted for each governing board meeting.
The committee meets in-person at DDW and The Liver Meeting. Participation in monthly conference calls is required. Timely response to electronic communications is expected.
Work Outside Of Meetings
Moderate. Could be heavier for members who are directly involved in planning joint educational meetings or activities.
Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with association policy. Official travel authorized by the President for AASLD committee members to international meetings will also be reimbursed in accordance with association policy.
Committee Members
- Chair
- Manal F. Abdelmalek, MD, MPH, FAASLD
- Chair-Elect
- Joseph C. Ahn, MD, MS
- Board Liaison
- W. Ray Kim, MD, FAASLD
- Committee Members
- Saurabh Agrawal, MD
- Patricia D. Jones, MD, MSCR
- Christina Awad, MD
- Maurizio Bonacini, MD, FAASLD
- Doan Dao, MD
- Jose D. Debes, MD, PhD, FAASLD
- Bilal Hameed, MD, FAASLD
- Yujin Hoshida, MD, PhD
- Staff Liaisons
- Marjorie Bynum, CAE
- Akuender Dot, MPH
- Trainee
- Jennifer Onwochei
AASLD Regional Advisory Councils
AASLD developed a Global Advisory Council to support and inform the work of the Global Outreach and Engagement Committee. This Global Advisory Council has representation from our Regional Councils in Asia-Pacific, Latin-America and will soon have representation from the Middle-East, Africa, and Europe.
AASLD members currently serving on the Regional Advisory Councils are provided below.
AASLD Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Council
Paul Thuluvath
Global Outreach and Engagement Committee Liaison
Joseph Ahn
Council Vice Chair
Kazuhiko Koike
Council Members
Jidong Jia – Mainland China and Hong Kong
Jia-Horng Kao – Taiwan
Kazuhiko Koike – Japan
Radha Dhiman – India / Pakistan / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh
Jeong-Hoon Lee – Korea
Seng Gee Lim – Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand
Jacob George – Australia / New Zealand
Davaadorj Duger, Sr. – Vietnam / Myanmar / Indonesia / Cambodia / Laos / Mongolia / Philippines
AASLD Latin American Regional Advisory Council
Hugo Vargas
Global Outreach and Engagement Committee Liaison
Denise Harnois
Council Vice Chair
Marco Arrese
Council Members
Silvia Sookoian – Argentina
Claudia Couto – Brazil
Marco Arrese – Chile
Mauricio Orrego – Colombia
David Kershenobich – Mexico
Milagros Beatrix Davalos-Moscol – Peru
Global Sister Societies
AASLD proudly collaborates with hepatology societies and foundations around the world.
- Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL)
- Brazilian Society of Hepatology (SBH)
- Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL)
- Chinese Foundation for Hepatitis Prevention and Control
- Colombian Association of Hepatology
- Emirates Medical Association and Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Society
- European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
- Indian National Association for the Study of the Liver (INASL)
- Japan Society of Hepatology
- Korean Association for the Study of the Liver (KASL)
- Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (ALEH)
- Mexican Association of Hepatology (AMH)
- Society on Liver Disease in Africa (SOLDA)
- Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver
- Turkish Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL)
- World Gastroenterology Organisation