Register for AASLD's Basic Science Emerging Topic Conference: Inflamed Passions of the Liver

Explore the latest in liver immunology at AASLD's two-day conference held at DDW in San Diego, CA. Connect with experts and rising stars in the field, gain valuable insights from clinical practices to the latest basic research. 

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In Memoriam of Josh Levitsky, MD, MS, FAST, FAASLD

Through his 20 years as a transplant hepatologist, Dr. Josh Levitsky took on many roles, as a leader of Chief of Hepatology at Northwestern, an enthusiastic and supportive mentor, a world-renowned leader in transplant immunology, Chair of AASLD’s Liver Transplantation and Surgery SIG, and as a former AASLD Foundation award recipient, he paid it forward. The community is grateful for his work. 

Read more about Dr. Levitsky's work

Spring Cleaning? Update Your Member Profile

A complete member profile translates into AASLD tailored updates, invitations for leadership and professional development, including speaking opportunities, and a customized member experience. Login by Monday, March 31, to update your profile! 

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Calling All Trainees! HEPATOLOGY and Liver Transplantation Editorial Fellowships

AASLD’s flagship journals are seeking AASLD trainee member candidates who are interested in a year-long Editorial Fellowship, gaining experience in the scholarly publishing and editorial processes.

Apply by Friday, April 18

Practice Guidelines

Stay on top of the latest recommendations for preferred approaches to diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative aspects of liver disease care. Developed by panels of experts, our guidelines are your key resource for expert treatment.

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AASLD leapt to the challenge of providing guidance and resources around the impact of COVID-19 on liver disease patients. Find webinar recordings, journal articles, and guidance documents all at your fingertips.

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North American Viral Hepatitis Elimination Summit

Date: Tuesday, March 18, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (EDT)

Location: Los Angeles, California

APASL Congress

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 8:00 am - Sunday, March 30, 5:00 pm (EDT)

Location: Beijing, China

Basic Science Emerging Topic Conference: Inflamed Passions of the Liver: A Journey to Clinical, Translational and Basic Liver Immunology

Date: Saturday, May 3, 8:00 am - Sunday, May 4, 5:00 pm (EDT)

Location: San Diego, CA

Program Chairs: Enis Kostallari, MS, PhD | Matthew Burchill, PhD | Bernd Schnabl, MD, FAASLD

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